МетаВеек за обликовање будућих трендова за Метаверсе и Блоцкцхаин

Investors, NFT artists, blockchain brightest minds, DeFi experts and DAO representatives will converge to UAE for a week-long event with a full-scale trailblazing digital and physical networking experience. Community leaders will discuss what will define development of blockchain space and the upcoming realm of Metaverses.

Organized by NexChange Group, MetaWeek will take place at the Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre from March 7-10, 2022. Accumulating the most discussed digital topics of the year, a whole week-long event will include multiple side events.

MetaWeek will culminate on the 8th and 9th with its core event, the 2-day MetaWeek summit featuring immensely anticipated speakers from the Arabian Gulf region and all over the world.

Breaking barriers between digital and physical space, Metaverse is best described as a virtual world with highly sophisticated visual and art experience and crypto-based DeFi backbone, filled with communities, and powered by interoperable blockchain networks.

Inside a Metaverse, users can share and store an unlimited amount of data, use self-sovereign IDs, play games and earn & trade digital assets, create limitless digital art pieces and play with NFTs and virtual goods, launch marketplaces – you name it. What’s more important, this virtual world is also owned and governed by the communities, giving them an opportunity to vote, rank, change and track decision patterns and govern their digital realm without any centralized power.

Alongside Metaverses, essential financial and non-financial applications of blockchain will be covered during MetaWeek. Blockchain masterminds, NFT creators, DeFi spearheads, AI forerunners, artists, gaming tycoons, data analysts, and other experts interested in creating and nurturing the Web 3.0 with the help of the blockchain world will converge to Dubai for major Meta Week event, which will combine high-level offline networking and content experience.

Јуван Лее, оснивач, председник НекЦханге групе: “2021 brought us an extremely attractive market opportunity for launching Metaverses, that may bring annual revenue of over $1 trillion. It’s a pivotal moment for us to determine the key players in this new global real-life game that is powered by the most impactful technology of today, blockchain.”

  • Metaverse nature battle: private VS public, centralised VS decentralised
  • Право власништво и приватност: ко поседује податке?
  • Изазови управљања и начини за постизање мира: алгоритми, паметни уговори итд.
  • Decentralised architecture of blockchain & metaverses: need for speed and interoperability standards
  • Еволуција ДАО-а: градови у облаку и крипто државе
  • Blockchain 4 FinTech: sandboxes and real life use cases
  • Corporates & metaverses: how to compete with decentralised world
  • DeFi payment services as a financial backbone for digital world and for financial inclusion in the real world
  • АР/ВР главни случајеви употребе метаверзума
  • НФТ-ови и њихова стварна вредност: шта је изнад хипе?
  • Digital Identities for real world and for metaverses
  • GameFi, play-to-earn and prospects of gamification
  • Како ће се криптовалуте и дигитална средства развијати са метаверзовима
  • Тржишне прилике за Веб 3.0: да ли заиста вреди 1 билион долара
  • Инвестициони приоритети за метаверзове и блокчејн
  • Економија креатора и капитализам

НекЦханге Гроуп је креатор предузећа и медијска платформа специјализована за Блоцкцхаин, ФинТецх, ХеалтхТецх, АИ и паметне градове.

For more information on the registration, speakers, agenda and partnerships, please visit the MetaWeek website or contact: [емаил заштићен]

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/metaweek-to-shape-future-trends-for-metaverses-and-blockchain/