Долазе митинги за Цардано (АДА) и један додатни алткоин, према Цоин Буреау-у

The host of the Coin Bureau YouTube channel is expressing bullish sentiment on two altcoins, starting with Cardano (ADA).

The Coin Bureau host tells his 2.1 million YouTube subscribers that the seventh-largest crypto asset by market cap is likely to appreciate by about 20% from the current levels ahead of the Vasil upgrade.

The Vasil hard fork, сет for September 22nd, is a major upgrade geared towards improving Cardano’s scalability and lowering transaction costs.

“Then there’s Cardano whose ADA coin is rallying for the reasons I mentioned earlier, namely confirmation of a date for the Vasil hard fork…

What I’m looking for from ADA in the short term is a rally back to the $0.60 mark to get back into that medium-term uptrend. And I reckon it’s more likely than not given the renewed interest in Cardano.”

Цардано се тргује по цени од 0.50 долара у време писања.

The Coin Bureau host next looks at the governance token of the Ethereum (ETH)-based staking protocol, Lido DAO (ЛДО).

According to the popular crypto YouTuber, Lido DAO could rally by up to 50% ahead of the Ethereum merge.

“Next up we have Lido Finance whose LDO token is pumping as the Ethereum merge approaches. This is because Lido Finance is used to stake ETH in a liquid i.e. tradable manner. Lido also partnered with Aztec Network for low-fee liquid staking and additional privacy on Ethereum, solid stuff…

With some luck, LDO will pump by another 50% between now and then [Ethereum merge], resulting in a 2x move from its price just a few days ago.”

Lido DAO is trading at $2.20 at time of writing.


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Featured Image: Shutterstock/herryfaizal/Furkan Cubuk

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/07/rallies-coming-for-cardano-ada-and-one-additional-altcoin-according-to-coin-bureau/