Цардано НФТ: Баттле Боргз – Тхе Цриптономист

Овонедељни гост на Цардано НФТ колона је multiplayer PvP and PvE isometric battle arena game based on the Cardano blockchain: Баттле Боргз.

Прошлонедељни гост био project that uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to generate beautiful NFT artworks.

Ова иницијатива је референтна тачка за НФТ на Цардану и сваке недеље-две ћемо позвати некога да нам одговори на нека питања и да нам да ажурирање директно из заједнице Цардано.

С обзиром да су многи наши читаоци нови у крипто простору, имаћемо а мешавина једноставних и техничких питања.

Cardano NFT project: Battle Borgz

Баттле Боргз
Cardano NFT project Battle Borgz is a multiplayer PvP and PvE isometric battle arena

Хеј, драго ми је што си овде. Молимо вас да представите свој тим, одакле сте, какво сте искуство?

Hi, thanks for the interview. We’re Battle Borgz, we’re from all over the place, including the UK, Canada and The Netherlands. At our roots we’re играчи, over time we combined that hobby with an interest in blockchain and in particular, Cardano.

Naša project manager Nick has a background in the traditional business world in the events and hospitality industries. Our lead developer has experience in game and web development, both our community manager and head moderator happen to have a military background.

What is Battle Borgz, how are you integrating NFTs and why have you chosen the Cardano blockchain for your project?

Battle Borgz is a multiplayer PvP and PvE isometric battle arena game based on the Cardano blockchain. Our players will use their NFTs as in-game characters in order to access our ranked mode, we’ll also have a free to play mode where an NFT isn’t needed. The benefits of playing ranked mode is the opportunity to win our token, BORGZ.  Players can enjoy our game whilst earning our token to then spend on in-game boosts or to transfer to ADA/FIAT currency.

Cardano is the ideal blockchain for projects like ours to be developing and operating on, Због low transaction fees and high levels of security. In particular, the low transaction fees are perfect for a battle arena game such as ours. Our fast paced game play means our matches will be over relatively quickly and lots of BORGZ transactions will be needed to be made at the end of games. Cardano’s low fees also mean players can use their BORGZ to purchase certain items in our game at almost no extra cost.

The other main reason for us choosing Cardano is the chain’s high level of security. We want our users’ wallets and funds to be 100% secure, Cardano is the smart decision in this respect. We could go on longer here, for many reasons. The last one I’ll mention is that our team has been involved with Cardano for a while and we have a shared affection for it.

At what stage of development are you? What can users already do to interact with the Battle Borgz universe?

We’re in phase 2 of our roadmap. Milestones completed in phase 1 укључују:

  • $BORGZ sales
  • 3D game environment development
  • HUD development
  • 3D character development
  • $BORGZ staking
  • 3D character animation

Everything we’ve developed so far is prior to any NFT sales, we wanted to be among the few projects who show proven game development prior to any NFT mints. We’re at the stage in our roadmap now where our Origins V.1 mint will take place in order for us to continue our development.

Баттле Боргз
Battle Borgz are minting 13 August and can also be done through the Eternl mobile wallet

Following our NFT mint we’ll move on with Фаза КСНУМКС, this involves a lot more character and environment development as well as really getting stuck into coding the game and developing how our characters interact with each other.

Where do you envision your project in 1 year and beyond?

1 year from now we intend to be live with our PvP mode, initial map and game modes, and to have fully fledged lore and storylines that involve our players deeply in the Borgz universe. In the time after our initial main-net launch we’ll be working on developing our game system, including new maps, game modes, characters/factions and more. We will continuously be monitoring our token cycle within our game economy, we need to analyse this data in order to ensure longevity for the game.

Our long-term vision is for Battle Borgz to be among the most respected/well known Cardano and Play to Earn projects. Our ethos is about putting more control in the hands of our players, we believe if we stick to this and our other values then our player base will continue to expand over time.

Thank you kindly for your contribution. Any closing remarks? Where can people learn more?

I’d definitely recommend anyone looking into our project to join our Дискорд server and look at our or ИоуТубе канал. We have information there and videos of our game environment and character animations. If looking to do a deep dive then check out our Сугестија.

Уопште our Discord server would be the best place to start, we’re always active there to answer any questions and have a lot of resources over the different channels

My final words will be thank you for allowing us this interview and thanks to everyone reading.

Баттле Боргз
3 NFTs from the Battle Borgz Origins V.1 collection

Одрицање од одговорности: Мишљења и ставови интервјуисаних људи су њихова лична и не одражавају нужно ставове Цардано фондације или ИОГ. Штавише, овај садржај је у образовне сврхе, не представља финансијски савет.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/08/13/cardano-nft-column-battle-borgz/