110 милиона долара у биткоину и ЕТХ ликвидирано јер је БТЦ пао испод 40,000 долара, ЕТХ иде испод 3,000 долара

слика чланка

Јуриј Молчан

$110 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum trades have been liquidated over past 30 minutes

Одрицање одговорности: Овде изнето мишљење није савет за улагање - оно је само у информативне сврхе. Не одражава нужно мишљење У. Тодаи. Свако улагање и свако трговање укључују ризик, па пре доношења одлука увек треба да обавите сопствено истраживање. Не препоручујемо улагање новца који не можете приуштити да изгубите.

Liquidations of Bitcoin and Ethereum futures contracts over the past half hour are among the reasons that have pushed Bitcoin below the $40,000 level and made Ethereum dive under $3,000.

As reported by Chinese crypto journalist Colin Wu, Coinglass has announced that a total of $110 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum trades has been liquidated across crypto exchanges.

A total of $57.25 million of this has been liquidated in Bitcoin and $38.03 in Ethereum. The flagship cryptocurrency is now changing hands at $39,821, and Ethereum is trading slightly below $3,000, although both BTC and ETH are struggling to recover.

Earlier, U.Today reported that the Goldman Sachs banking giant had announced that the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates 4x instead of 3x as was announced earlier. The interest rate hike may occur as early as March.

Source: https://u.today/110-million-in-bitcoin-and-eth-liquidated-as-btc-drops-below-40000-eth-goes-under-3000