Судски налог Британских Девичанских острва ликвидира крипто фирму Тхрее Арровс Цапитал – Битцоин вести

According to a recent report from Sky News citing a source familiar with the matter, “cryptocurrency insiders” have said that the troubled crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) has been formally liquidated by a British Virgin Islands (BVI) court. The report does not disclose what type of assets face liquidation, but the sources remarked that “the [3AC] liquidation would be a significant moment in the current unraveling of the cryptocurrency sector.”

3AC Reportedly Liquidated by British Virgin Islands Court System — Reporter Says Immediate Financial Implications Are ‘Unclear’

Once again a source familiar with the situation has information pertaining to an embattled digital currency firm facing alleged financial hardships. According to Sky News, a source explained that Тхрее Арровс Цапитал Лтд. has officially been liquidated by a British Virgin Islands (BVI) court. Sky News author Mark Kleinman details that it is “unclear what the immediate financial implications would be for Three Arrows’ creditors.” Bitcoin.com News пријавио on the crypto hedge fund’s initial troubles two weeks ago when The Block’s Frank Chaparro cited sources that said 3AC may have been liquidated for roughly $400 million.

Извештај: Судски налог Британских Девичанских острва ликвидира крипто фирму Тхрее Арровс Цапитал
3AC co-founder Su Zhu said on June 14, 2022, that his team was communicating with relevant parties. Since then, no one truly knows what has happened to the company and there have been various stories about 3AC’s alleged issues from ‘people familiar with the matter.’

3AC’s two founders, Су Зху Киле Давиес, founded the company in 2012 and when the stories of insolvency started both Zhu and Davies became very quiet on social media. Zhu, however, did tweet on June 14, that 3AC was “in the process of communicating with relevant parties and fully committed to working this out.” Allegedly, 3AC has significant exposure to Terra’s LUNC token and it has been рекао that 3AC’s stash of roughly $200 million in locked luna classic (LUNC) evaporated into less than a thousand dollars.

On June 29, Kleinman пријавио that a British Virgin Islands (BVI) court had formally liquidated 3AC assets. The report says that the news outlet had learned that “partners from Teneo in the British Virgin Islands has been lined up to handle the insolvency of the Singapore-based firm.” Kleinman further detailed that the BVI court order news stemmed from a “person familiar with the situation” and the order was filed on June 27. Furthermore, the journalist reached out to 3AC for a comment about the court’s alleged liquidation order and the company did not respond.

Ознаке у овој причи
КСНУМКСАЦ, 3АЦ хеџ фонд, Британска Девичанска Острва, BVI court system, судски налог, крипто хеџ фонд, подаци, Франк Цхапарро, Неликвидност, инсолвент, Киле Давиес, Ликвидација, Ликвидације, Mark Kleinman, извештај, ски невс, Су Зху, Terra’s LUNC token, Капитал с три стрелице

What do you think about the report that claims 3AC was liquidated by the BVI court system? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 5,700 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Одрицање од одговорности: Овај чланак служи само у информативне сврхе. То није директна понуда или прикупљање понуда за куповину или продају, или препорука или потврда било ког производа, услуге или компаније. Битцоин.цом не пружа инвестиционе, пореске, правне или рачуноводствене савете. Ни компанија ни аутор нису директно или индиректно одговорни за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у овом чланку.

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/report-a-british-virgin-islands-court-order-liquidates-crypto-firm-three-arrows-capital/