Аналитичар наводи ниво „који се мора држати“ за бикове биткоина (БТЦ) како крипто тржиште опада

A widely followed crypto analyst is highlighting the price level Bitcoin (BTC) bulls must hold as the crypto markets bounce.

With BTC trading for $23,984 at time of writing, analyst Justin Bennett каже his 111,400 Twitter followers that Bitcoin bulls must hold $23,000.

“If BTC is going to bounce, it has to do it soon.

$23,000 is a must-hold level for bulls.”

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Твиттер

The trader also breaks down the US Dollar Index (DXY), a measure of the strength of the US dollar against a basket of assets, in this case, digital assets. Generally speaking, a stronger DXY means weaker assets and vice versa. According to Bennett, the DXY is currently тестирање a new, higher level.

“There’s still a lot of indecision out there, but the DXY 

just tested 105 resistance. 

That’s the weekly pivot I mentioned yesterday, and there’s a daily pivot at 105.60. 

Хајде да видимо."

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Твиттер

Looking at the traditional stock index the S&P 500 (SPX), Bennett каже it’s no surprise the DXY is testing a higher level as the SPX approaches a confluence of support.

“No surprise that this is occurring as the SPX approaches the 3,930 confluence of support.

Betting that the next big move from risk assets hinges on this area.”

Извор: Јустин Беннетт/Твиттер

Bennett further објашњава how the next big move for risk assets hinges on the SPX in a follow-up.

“It’s a simple over/under scenario.

Over, and we’re good. Under on the higher time frames, and we’re not good.

Don’t assume you know what will happen here. Blind assumptions are what get people rekt.”

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/yucelyilmaz/Sensvector

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/02/24/analyst-names-must-hold-level-for-bitcoin-btc-bulls-as-crypto-market-drops/