Антхони Сцарамуцци каже да би један катализатор могао послати биткоин да лети, предвиђа да ће 2023. бити 'година опоравка' за крипто

Skybridge Capital chief executive Anthony Scaramucci says Bitcoin (BTC) could go on a massive surge in the next few years.

In a new interview with CNBC at a crypto conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland, Scaramucci каже that Bitcoin could soar by more than 370% within three years.

Scaramucci calls 2023 a “recovery year” for Bitcoin, after the market collapse and scandals like the FTX implosion. But he predicts greater adoption of the king crypto asset will send Bitcoin soaring to as much as $100,000. At time of writing, Bitcoin is valued at $21,188.

Says Scaramucci,

“You are taking on risk but you’re also believing in [Bitcoin] adoption. So if we get the adoption right, and I believe we will, this could easily be a $50,000 to $100,000 asset over the next two to three years.”

Other crypto insiders have a lower price prediction.

CoinShares chief strategy officer Meltem Demirors says BTC will likely trade for a while between a low range of $15,000 and $20,000 and an upper range of $25,000 to $30,000, according to CNBC.

Demirors says that the kind of selling triggered by collapsing markets and scandals in 2022 is over, but there is not a lot of fresh liquidity coming into the crypto space.

каже Демирорс,

“I don’t think there’s a lot of forced selling remaining, which is optimistic. But again, I think the upside is quite limited because we also don’t see a lot of new inflows coming in.”

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Генерисана слика: Мидјоурнеи

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/01/17/anthony-scaramucci-says-one-catalyst-could-send-bitcoin-flying-predicts-2023-will-be-recovery-year-for-crypto/