Бинанце Паи, Алцхеми Паи, еПаиментс и КпонБаи подржавају ванмрежна крипто плаћања за НФТ на „Артаверсе“ – саопштење за јавност Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. Binance Pay, Alchemy Pay, ePayments, and QponBay are collaborating to facilitate offline crypto payment methods at ‘Artaverse’, an NFT and metaverse event to be held in Hong Kong from June 3rd to 12th.

Participants of Artaverse will be able to use cryptocurrencies to buy NFTs directly on site. The cryptocurrencies supported are БНБ, ETH, ACH, and УСДТ.

The exhibition is one of the largest of its kind and will be held in the 150,000 square-foot Central Harbourfront venue in Hong Kong. Hosted both inside and outside, there will be a giant tent and more than 20 independent exhibition spaces. With a total of more than 100 exhibition pieces, Artaverse aims to promote art forms such as non-fungible tokens(NFTs) and the metaverse, so that art enthusiasts have the opportunity to view, purchase, and even create new kinds of art.

With diverse digital art exhibitions, and musical and cultural performances, the public will experience an immersive art, entertainment, and cultural journey through the real and virtual worlds. Through Artaverse, culture fans can explore the infinite possibilities of the web3 universe.

Pakning Luk, Regional Head of Business Development at Binance Pay said, “Binance Pay is focused on bridging the gap between physical and metaverse world, Binance Pay’s collaboration with Alchemy Pay at Artaverse demonstrates the potency of collaboration in bringing crypto payments and Web3 to the mainstream easily.”

The event is another example of Alchemy Pay making crypto easily usable for payments. Alchemy Pay already provides over 2 million online and in-store merchants in 70+ countries around the globe with crypto payment acceptance. As a partner of Binance Pay, Alchemy Pay recently brought crypto payments to 14,000 Instpower power banks so that travellers can power their devices on the go around the world.

John Tan, CEO of Alchemy Pay, commented, “We are happy to collaborate with Binance Pay to introduce the user-friendly crypto payment solution of Alchemy Pay through a visionary event. The team will continue to focus on making NFTs and Web3 more accessible to everybody and developing crypto ramps which will provide seamless user experience of the creator economy of Web3.”

About Artaverse

Сајт: artaverse.asia

О Алцхеми Паи -у

Alchemy Pay is a payment solutions provider that seamlessly connects fiat and crypto economies for consumers, merchants, and developers. It provides merchants with convenient crypto acceptance and makes crypto and web3 services highly accessible. Alchemy Pay is supported in 70+ countries with 300+ payment channels and has touchpoints with 2 million merchants. Its ramp plug-ins will be integrated onto web3 and crypto platforms for D2C onboarding and offboarding. ACH is Алцхеми Паи-ов услужни токен ЕРЦ20 издат на блокчејну Етхереум.

Сајт: алцхемипаи.орг/

Твиттер: твиттер.цом/алцхемипаи

телеграм: т.ме/алцхеми_оффициал

Линкедин: линкедин.цом/цомпани/алцхемипаи/

Средњи: алцхемипаи.медиум.цом/

ИоуТубе: иоутубе.цом/ц/АлцхемиПаи

Реддит: reddit.com/r/AlchemyPay

инстаграм: инстаграм.цом/алцхемипаи_ацх/

About Binance Pay

Binance Pay is a contactless, borderless, and secure user-to-user cryptocurrency payment feature on the Binance App. Binance Pay allows users and merchants to send and receive crypto payments around the world without incurring special handling fees for using crypto.

Сајт: pay.binance.com/en

Твиттер: twitter.com/binance

Линкедин: linkedin.com/company/бинанце

ИоуТубе: youtube.com/c/BinanceYoutube

Реддит: reddit.com/r/binance/

инстаграм: instagram.com/binance

About ePayments

ePayments is Binance Pay’s global payment partner, with over 5000+ merchants worldwide using ePayments’ cross-border payment services.

Сајт: e-payments.co.nz

Твиттер: twitter.com/ePaymentsNZ

About QponBay

Founded in 2021, QponBay is a hub offering a unique shopping experience through blockchain and smart contract technology. The company inherits customers and technical expertise from eftPay and Laclary which include more than 30,000 merchants.

Сајт: https://www.qponbay.io/





Ово је саопштење за јавност. Читаоци би требало да предузму сопствену дужност пред преузимањем било каквих радњи везаних за промовисану компанију или било које од њених придружених компанија или услуга. Битцоин.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Битцоин.цом Медиа

Битцоин.цом је главни извор за све што се односи на криптовалуте.
kontakt [емаил заштићен] да разговарате о саопштењима за штампу, спонзорисаним објавама, подкастовима и другим опцијама.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/binance-pay-alchemy-pay-epayments-and-qponbay-support-offline-crypto-payments-for-nfts-at-artaverse/