Битцоин има за циљ 25 долара како се институционална тражња повећава, а економски подаци смирују страхове инвеститора

Битцоин (BTC) price broke above $22,500 on Jan. 20 and has since been able to defend that level, accumulating 40.5% gains in the month of January. The move accompanied improvements in the stock market, which also rallied after China dropped COVID-19 restrictions after three years of strict pandemic controls.

E-commerce and entertainment companies lead as the year-to-date market performers. Warner Bros (WBD) added 54%, Shopify (SHOP) rose 42%, MercadoLibre (MELI) climbed 41%, Carnival Corp (CCL) 35% and Paramount Global (PARA) managed a 35% gain so far. Corporate earnings continue to attract investors’ inflow and attention after oil producer Chevron posted the second-largest annual profit ever recorded, at $36.5 billion.

More importantly, analysts expect Apple (AAPL) to post a mind-boggling $96 billion in earnings for 2022 on Feb. 2, vastly surpassing the $67.4 billion profit that Microsoft (MSFT) reported. Strong earnings also help to validate the current stock valuations, but they do not necessarily guarantee a brighter future for the economy.

A more favorable scenario for risk assets came largely from a decline in leading economic indicators, including homebuilder surveys, trucking surveys and contracting Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) data, according to Evercore ISI’s senior managing director, Јулиан Емануел.

According to the research from financial services firm Matrixport, American institutional investors represent some 85% of recent purchasing activity. This means large players are “not giving up on crypto.” The study considers the returns occurring during U.S. trading hours but expects the outperformance of altcoins relative to Bitcoin.

From one side, Bitcoin bulls have reasons to celebrate after its price recovered 49% from the $15,500 low on Nov. 21, but bears still have the upper hand on a larger time frame since BTC is down 39% in 12 months.

Хајде да погледамо метрику Битцоин деривата да бисмо боље разумели како су професионални трговци позиционирани у тренутним тржишним условима.

Asia-based stablecoin demand approaches the FOMO region

Кованица долара (USDC) премиум је добар показатељ потражње крипто малопродајних трговаца у Кини. Он мери разлику између равноправних трговина у Кини и америчког долара.

Прекомерна потражња за куповином има тенденцију да притисне индикатор изнад фер вредности на 100%, а током медвеђих тржишта, тржишна понуда стабилног цоина је преплављена, узрокујући попуст од 4% или више.

УСДЦ пеер-то-пеер у односу на УСД/ЦНИ. Извор: ОККС

Currently, the USDC premium stands at 3.7%, down from a 1% discount two weeks prior, indicating much stronger demand for stablecoin buying in Asia. The indicator shifted gears after the 9% rally on Jan. 21, causing excessive demand from retail traders.

However, one should dive into BTC futures markets to understand how professional traders are positioned.

The futures premium has held a neutral stance since Jan. 21

Трговци на мало обично избегавају кварталне фјучерсе због њихове разлике у цени у односу на спот тржишта. У међувремену, професионални трговци преферирају ове инструменте јер спречавају флуктуацију стопа финансирања у трајни фјучерс уговор.

The three-month futures annualized premium should trade between +4% to +8% in healthy markets to cover costs and associated risks. Thus, when the futures trade below such a range, it shows a lack of confidence from leverage buyers — typically, a bearish indicator.

Годишња премија за тромесечне фјучерсе биткоина. Извор: Лаевитас

The chart shows positive momentum for the Bitcoin futures premium after the basis indicator broke above the 4% threshold on Jan. 21 — the highest in five months. This movement represents a drastic change from the bearish sentiment presented by the futures’ discount (backwardation) present until late 2022.

Релатед: Цена биткоина је порасла, али акције рударења БТЦ-а могле би остати рањиве током 2023

Traders are watching to see if the Fed broadcasts plans to pivot

While Bitcoin’s 40.5% gain in 2023 looks promising, the fact that the tech-heavy Nasdaq index rallied 10% in the same period raises suspicions. For instance, the street consensus is a pivot from the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hiking campaign at some point in 2023.

Bitcoin derivatives and stablecoin demand exited the panic levels but if the Fed’s expected soft landing takes place, the risk of a recessionary environment will limit stock market performance and hurt Bitcoin’s “inflation protection” appeal.

Currently, the odds favor bulls as leading economic indicators show a moderate correction — enough to ease inflation but not especially concerning, as solid corporate earnings confirm.