Битцоин, Бинанце Цоин, Акие Инфинити и Куант дневне анализе цена – Јутарње предвиђање цене 3. септембра

The performance of the global crypto market has shown a continuation of lag. The performance of Bitcoin, Бинанце Coin, etc., has changed back to bearishness. These tokens couldn’t retain gains, and thus investors moved toward sell-offs. The dominant trend of bearishness has continued to affect the global crypto market. Though the Ethereum merge was expected to bring improvement to the market, it couldn’t give the expected results. The ongoing situation shows that the market is on a further decline.

Цоинбасе Cloud has added support for Solana archival nodes. According to the available information, the announcement of Solana archival nodes has been made to facilitate the developers. The said nodes will help build products and services on the SOL network. As nodes launch takes place, the builders will be able to analyze historical balance addresses, run complex queries, and simulate the блоцкцхаин држава.

The development of the Solana blockchain has taken place at a speedy pace. The mentioned company joined hands with QuickNode and JumpCrypto. Though it would be difficult to manage the enormous amounts of data, it will bring much ease to Solana developers. Coinbase Cloud has presented itself as one of the most reliable options because of the much-reduced downtime risk and lets users utilize data without any problems.  

Ево кратког прегледа тренутне ситуације на тржишту, анализирајући перформансе биткоина, Бинанце Новчић и други.

BTC red

Bitcoin has played an important role in support of Ukraine as people sent their donations in crypto. According to available updates, Ukraine’s tech giants have begun to accept Bitcoin. These include Techno Tzhak and Stylus, which have begun to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. While on the other hand, Bitcoin mining has seen slight growth.

БТЦУСД 2022 09 03 17 20 19
Извор: ТрадингВиев

Недавне промене за Bitcoin show a continuation of the bearish pattern. The latest data shows that it has receded 1.40% over the last 24 hours. The weekly data shows a loss of 2.03%.

Вредност цене за Битцоин је тренутно у распону од 19,819.19 долара. Вредност тржишне капитализације за Битцоин се процењује на 379,338,865,815 долара. 24-часовни обим трговања Битцоином је око 28,828,399,825 долара.

BNB losing

Binance has identified the KyberSwap hack suspects. According to the available information, it has worked on the available data from the DEX and worked on identifying addresses. Once the addresses were identified, it involved law enforcement agencies for further procedure.  

БНБУСДТ 2022 09 03 17 20 38
Извор: ТрадингВиев

Вредност Binance Coin has seen a continuation of the decline. The recent changes show that it has shed 1.08% over the last 24 hours. The weekly data shows that its losses amount to 2.51%.

The price value for BNB is currently in the $276.03 range. The market cap value for this token is estimated to be $44,533,870,936. The 24-hour trading volume of the same coin is about $713,872,213.

AXS bullish

The value of Axie Infinity is on the rise due to bullish investors. The latest data shows that it has added 9.17% over the last day. If we compare the data for the last seven days, its gains amount to 11.07%. The price value for AXS has improved to the $15.08 range.

АКССУСДТ 2022 09 03 17 21 04
Извор: ТрадингВиев

The market cap value for Axie Infinity is estimated to be $1,255,461,976. The 24-hour trading volume of this coin is about $168,452,819. The same amount in its native currency is about 11,183,723 AXS.

QNT in losses

Quant has also been in losses due to a bearish market. The recent changes show that it has declined 0.99% over the last 24 hours. The seven-day data shows that it has shed 6.27%. As the market continues to change, its price value has come down to $93.60.

КНТУСДТ 2022 09 03 17 22 35
Извор: ТрадингВиев

The market cap value for QNT is estimated to be $1,129,854,467. The 24-hour trading volume of this coin is about $35,392,906. The circulating supply of this coin is about 12,072,738 QNT.

Завршне мисли

The performance of the global crypto market has shown a trend of decline. The recent changes in the market show losses for Bitcoin, Binance Coin, and others. As the market saw a change from a positive to a negative trend, the value of various tokens decreased. The global market cap value has also declined. The recent data shows that it is currently about $973.78 billion. 

Одрицање од одговорности. Достављене информације нису савети за трговање. Цриптополитан.цом не сноси одговорност за било каква улагања извршена на основу информација на овој страници. Препоручујемо независно истраживање и / или консултације са квалификованим стручњаком пре доношења било каквих инвестиционих одлука.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/bitcoin-binance-coin-axie-infinity-and-quant-daily-price-analyses-3-september-morning-price-prediction/