Битцоин (БТЦ) чини трећи покушај да избије изнад 20,800 долара

Bitcoin (BTC) has so far made three unsuccessful attempts at breaking out above the $20,600 resistance area. It is currently gearing up to make the fourth one.

BTC has been decreasing underneath a descending resistance line since April 5. More recently, the line caused a rejection on June 7. This led to a low of $17,622 on June 18. 

The price bounced afterwards and created what resembles a double bottom pattern, with the second bottom being slightly higher than the first one. Moreover, the РСИ has also made a higher low and moved outside its oversold region. 

The aforementioned descending resistance line is currently at $22,000, and would provide resistance if the upward movement is to continue.

Краткорочни БТЦ образац

The six-hour chart shows that it is possible that the price has created an inverse head and shoulders, which is considered a bullish pattern. If so, BTC has completed the right shoulder and is currently making an attempt at breaking out above the neckline. The most likely таласни број сугерише да је достигнуто дно.

The RSI supports the creation of this pattern, since it has generated bullish divergence (green line) and its trend line is still intact. 

A breakout that travels the entire height of the pattern would take the price all the way to $25,000, also causing a breakout from the aforementioned descending resistance line.

Покушај пробоја

Коначно, двочасовни графикон показује да је БТЦ избио из опадајуће линије отпора и направио три неуспешна покушаја да се помери изнад области отпора од 20,600 долара.

Пошто отпори постају све слабији сваки пут када их се додирне, очекује се евентуални пробој из ове области. Ово је такође у складу са очитањима из шесточасовног графикона.

Штавише, РСИ је пронашао подршку изнад 50, што указује да је краткорочни тренд биковски.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/bitcoin-btc-makes-third-attempt-at-breaking-out-above-20800/