Битцоин, Етхереум и један Метаверсе Алтцоин постају бикови, према помно праћеном трговцу

A popular crypto strategist is predicting what’s next for a trio of digital assets as the markets try to keep the recent rally going.

The pseudonymous crypto trader Cheds каже his 274,100 Twitter followers that he’s looking at Bitcoin (BTC) on the 34-day estimated moving average (EMA).

He says this is the first time the top cryptocurrency has closed above that particular metric in three months while remaining wary of potential price weakness moving forward.

“BTC notable – first close above daily EMA 34 since April.

Some evidence of weakening bear trend – continue to monitor for deviation.”

Извор: Цхедс/Твиттер

Bitcoin is currently surging, up 9% over the past 24 hours and priced at $23,512.

Cheds goes on to расправити what’s next for Ethereum (ETH), stating that the leading smart contract platform appears strong enough to recapture the $1,700 mark regardless of whether or not Bitcoin buckles.

“$1,700 still makes sense even if BTC rejects DEMA 34 given relative strength.”

Извор: Цхедс/Твиттер

At time of writing, Ethereum is up by 4.05% on the day, changing hands for $1,573.

The chart guru закључује his analysis of the top two digital assets by saying he thinks Ethereum currently appears stronger than BTC. He also notes that ETH remains above the upper Bollinger bands (BB), a metric measuring an asset’s price and volatility oscillation over time.

“ETH relative strength right now to BTC with that long trigger from $1,270 break.

BTC still looks vulnerable, ETH not really at the moment (though we are trading above upper BB).

As for daily EMA 34, I would hope everyone is using it, not just me. It’s been the most important level since November.”

Извор: Цхедс/Твиттер

Чедс такође Потребно a look at Ethereum-based virtual world The Sandbox (SAND), highlighting the altcoin’s recent recovery from a mid-June flash crash.

“SAND flexing a lower high break.”

Извор: Цхедс/Твиттер

The Sandbox is also in the green by 5.62% on the day with a market value of $1.43.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Саламахин/Атеље Соммерланд

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/20/bitcoin-ethereum-and-one-metaverse-altcoin-turning-bullish-according-to-closely-followed-trader/