Битцоин држи изнад 16,000 долара, али је спреман за скок или пробој цене

02. јануар 2023. у 12:32 // Cena

Bitcoin is rising as it approaches the overbought area

Bitcoin (BTC) price has held above the $16,000 support level after the price decline on December 28. Doji candlesticks have caused the price movement to remain unchanged.

Дугорочна прогноза цене биткоина: медведа

The presence of small-bodied unresolved candles has forced the largest cryptocurrency to trade in a range since November 9. These candlesticks show that there is uncertainty among traders about the market direction. However, if the consolidation continues above the current support, Bitcoin will see a price rally or breakout. For example, if the bitcoin price rises, it will cross the moving average lines and the $17,000 resistance level. The uptrend will continue to the high of $18,000. Bitcoin is currently consolidating above the $16,000 level.

Дисплеј Битцоин индикатора 

As the cryptocurrency has been trading at the 45 level of the Relative Strength Index for 14 months, the RSI has not changed. Bitcoin is in a bearish trend zone and could continue to fall. Bitcoin is likely to decline as the price bars are below the moving average lines. The trend can be seen in the horizontal slope of the moving average lines. Above the daily stochastic threshold of 80, Bitcoin is moving in a bullish direction. It has now entered the overbought zone, which attracts sellers.

БТЦУСД (Дневни графикон) - Јануар 2.23.јпг

Технички индикатори 

Кључни нивои отпора - 30,000 и 35,000 долара

Кључни нивои подршке - 20,000 и 15,000 долара

Који је следећи правац за БТЦ / УСД? 

Currently, Bitcoin (BTC) is rising as it approaches the overbought area. Sellers are expected to enter the overbought area to drive prices lower. If sellers emerge, the sideways movement will continue.

БТЦУСД(4-часовни графикон) - јануар 2.23.јпг

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да истраже пре него што уложе у фондове.

Извор: хттпс://цоинидол.цом/битцоин-холдс-16000/