Битцоин је у хоризонталном тренду и изазива високу вредност од 17,275 долара

05. децембар 2022. у 15:42 // Cena

Bitcoin will probably continue to move in a horizontal trend for a few more days

Bitcoin (BTC) price has risen after breaking above the $17,275 resistance level. The cryptocurrency is trading in the overbought zone of the market.

Дугорочна прогноза цене биткоина: медведа

The current bullish momentum is expected to hit another hurdle at the high of $18,150. However, a break of the following resistance level by buyers argues for a continuation of the upward momentum. Bitcoin is expected to reach the highs of $20,000 and $21,500.

However, further gains in Bitcoin are doubtful as the market is approaching the overbought zone. Meanwhile, the Bitcoin price is capped between the moving average lines. Buyers are driving the BTC price to retest or break through the 50-day simple moving average (SMA). If buyers keep the price above the 50-day simple moving average, Bitcoin will resume its uptrend. BTC/USD will return to a rangebound move between the moving average lines where it will face rejection at the recent high.

Дисплеј Битцоин индикатора 

For period 14, the Relative Strength Index is at 35, which is a result of Bitcoin’s recent rise. On the daily chart, the price bars are back between the moving average lines and resuming the sideways pattern. Bitcoin price has crossed the Stochastic barrier of 80 on the daily chart and has entered the overbought zone.

БТЦУСД (недељни графикон) - децембар 5.22.јпг

Технички индикатори 

Кључни нивои отпора - 30,000 и 35,000 долара

Кључни нивои подршке - 20,000 и 15,000 долара

Који је следећи правац за БТЦ / УСД? 

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) is now fluctuating between the moving average lines. When the moving average lines are broken, the price of the cryptocurrency will enter a trend. The current rise is challenged by resistance at the recent high. Bitcoin will probably continue to move in a horizontal trend for a few more days.

БТЦУСД (Дневни графикон) - 5.22.јпг

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да истраже пре него што уложе у фондове.

Извор: хттпс://цоинидол.цом/битцоин-хигх-17275/