Биткоин је нестабилан изнад 20,000 долара подршке и ризикује даљи пад

06. октобар 2022. у 13:12 // Cena

Bitcoin (BTC) price is in an upward correction as it breaks above the moving average lines.

Дугорочна прогноза цене Битцоина: Медвеђа

The largest cryptocurrency rose to a high of $20,469 on October 4 as buyers tried to maintain bullish momentum. Buyers will try to retarget the overhead resistance at $25,212 if the bullish momentum continues. Conversely, Bitcoin risks another decline if it moves down from the 21-day line SMA or the resistance zone at $20,000. 

The BTC price will fall below the 50-day line SMA and be forced into an area between the moving average lines. Sellers will try to push the cryptocurrency to the previous low at $18,200. In the meantime, the BTC price is still holding above the psychological price level of $20,000.

Читање показатеља Битцоин (БТЦ)

Bitcoin’s recent upward correction has pushed it to level 54 on the Relative Strength Index for period 14. Bitcoin is capable of further upward movement within the uptrend zone. The largest cryptocurrency is forced to move between $18,200 and $20,000. The cryptocurrency is likely to decline as it is below the 80% area of the daily stochastic. 

БТЦУСД (Дневни графикон) - 6. октобар 2022.јпг

Тецхницал Индицатор 

Кључне зоне отпора: $30,000, $35,000, $40,000

Кључне зоне подршке: $25,000, $20,000, $15,000 

Који је следећи правац за БТЦ / УСД? 

On a lower time frame, bitcoin is in an uptrend as the price breaks above the moving average lines. The uptrend is stuck at the $20,469 resistance. Since October 4, the BTC price has been fluctuating below the recent high. The cryptocurrency will rise to $21,300 if the current resistance is broken.

BTCUSD (4 hour Chart) - October 6, 2022.jpg

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да сами истраже пре него што инвестирају у фондове.

Source: https://coinidol.com/bitcoin-is-unstable/