Битцоин се креће изнад 17,000 долара како биковски замах опада

01. децембар 2022. у 12:53 // Cena

The largest cryptocurrency rose to an area of the market that was overbought

The Bitcoin (BTC) price has rallied after hitting a high of $17,275. The bullish momentum has remained at the recent high.

Дугорочна прогноза цене биткоина: медведа

The largest cryptocurrency rose to an area of the market that was overbought. It is finding it difficult to break through the resistance zone. While we wait for a possible upward movement, the BTC price is still circling above the support at $17,000. For example, if the price rises back above the $17,000 support, Bitcoin will rise above the $17,200 and $18,000 resistance levels 

The positive trend will continue until the price reaches $20,000. However, if the bullish scenario fails and Bitcoin falls back from the recent high, Bitcoin will fall into the trading range. In other words, the BTC/USD pair will move sideways again between $15,500 and $17,200. At the time of publication, the price of one bitcoin is $17,097.

Очитавање Битцоин индикатора 

 Currently, Bitcoin is at the 34 level of the Relative Strength Index and is making a comeback. Although it has risen above the current support, it is currently in the bearish zone. The price bars on the daily chart are between the moving average lines and resuming the sideways movement. The bitcoin price has crossed the stochastic threshold of 80 on the daily chart and has entered the overbought zone.

BTCUSD(Weekly Chart) - Descember 1.22.jpg

Технички индикатори 

Кључни нивои отпора - 30,000 и 35,000 долара

Кључни нивои подршке - 20,000 и 15,000 долара

Који је следећи правац за БТЦ / УСД? 

 As it continued to rise, Bitcoin (BTC) rallied above the support at $16,000. As it is anchored near the high at $17,200, the rise was temporary. If the recent high is rejected, the cryptocurrency will be forced to trade in a range. In the overbought area of the market, the upward momentum has faded.

BTCUSD(Daily Chart) -Descember 1.22.jpg

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да истраже пре него што уложе у фондове.

Source: https://coinidol.com/bitcoin-moves-17000/