Битцоин оф Америца покреће нову веб страницу и блог – Саопштење за јавност Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. Битцоин оф Америца has officially launched a newly redesigned website and blog. The popular operator has created an all-new modern design that features their services. Bitcoin of America is a popular virtual currency exchange, registered as a money services business with the United States Department of Treasury (FinCEN)(RegNum). Apart from ensuring a fast and hassle-free transaction, they are known for their customer support.

The popular operator has made a lot of exciting changes this year. They recently announced their addition of dogecoin to their Битцоин банкомати. They also have continued their promotion for women in crypto by sending their all-female team to Bitcoin 2022 in Miami for a second time. Bitcoin of America has seen tremendous growth already in 2022. They currently have around 2000 Bitcoin ATMs across the United States.

Bitcoin of America is hoping that their new website will better serve their customers and provide a more user-friendly experience. The website is fast and easy to navigate, while also incorporating the company’s brand. The new blog features different categories that are popular in the cryptocurrency industry. It is an easy way for customers to keep up with the latest news on cryptocurrency and the company.

They are also planning on launching a newsletter that customers can subscribe to. The newsletter will feature company updates and even potential promos. Bitcoin of America’s goal is to provide their customers with the best experience and keep them informed on any updates to their services.





Ово је саопштење за јавност. Читаоци би требало да предузму сопствену дужност пред преузимањем било каквих радњи везаних за промовисану компанију или било које од њених придружених компанија или услуга. Битцоин.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Битцоин.цом Медиа

Битцоин.цом је главни извор за све што се односи на криптовалуте.
kontakt [емаил заштићен] да разговарате о саопштењима за штампу, спонзорисаним објавама, подкастовима и другим опцијама.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-of-america-launches-new-website-and-blog/