Битцоин потонуо на 15,700 долара пошто Бинанце одбија преузимање ФТКС-а

  •  BTC’s price loses its $18,200 support as the price trades to a region of $15,700 as Binance rejects FTX takeover. 
  •  Цена БТЦ-а наставља да изгледа медведасто са тренутним стањем на тржишту, пошто ствари изгледају неизвесно за већину трговаца и инвеститора. 
  • BTC’s price remains weak across all timeframes as the price trades slightly below the 50 and 200 Експоненцијални помични просјеци (ЕМА).

In the last two days, the crypto market has been erratic, with the price of many altcoins, including Bitcoin (BTC), battling for survival after the news came out that Binance would not be taking over FTX after conducting due diligence. Previous weeks saw the price of Bitcoin (BTC) perform well, rallying from a low of $19,200 to a high of $21,800. Most altcoins trend higher as many produced gains of over 200%, including DOGE rallying from a region of $0.55 to a high of $0.15, with many hoping for more recovery bounce. Still, these expectations were cut short by the uncertainty surrounding the crypto market. (Data from Binance)

Анализа цена Битцоин (БТЦ) на недељном графикону

Претходне недеље су многи алтцоини произвели преко 200% добитака у последњих 7 дана након што су изашли из њиховог кретања ограниченог опсега, јер многи верују да се више наде враћа у крипто простор.

Нова недеља тек треба да изгледа као претходна јер је недеља изгледала загушена ФУД-ом (страх од неизвесности и сумње), што је довело до тога да су многи алтцоини негативно утицали на цену јер се главни новчићи боре да остану на површини од онога што изгледа као крипто чистка.

The news of Binance rescuing the situation by taking over FTX was good. Still, after conducting their due diligence, Binance decided it would not take over FTX as this has affected the market negatively, sending the price of BTC on a spiral movement to $15,700 after losing its all-time support of 2017 at $18,500.

The price of BTC has continued to look bearish after breaking below its all-time high support, which has served as support as a good demand zone for major plays holding off sell-offs. According to speculations, there are more chances of the price revisiting $14,000.

Недељни отпор за цену БТЦ – 17,500 долара.

Недељна подршка за цену БТЦ-а – 15,500 долара.

Анализа цене БТЦ-а на дневном (1Д) графикону

Дневни графикон цена БТЦ | Извор: БТЦУСДТ Он Традингвиев.цом

The price of BTC remains considerably weak in the daily timeframe as the price trades above $15,500 support after bouncing off that region to a high of $16,600, holding off the price from trending lower. 

If the price of BTC breaks below the temporary support formed at $15,500, we could see the price of BTC trading to a region of $14,000. 

Дневни отпор за БТЦ цену – 17,000 долара.

Дневна подршка за БТЦ цену – 14,000 долара.

Истакнута слика из зипмек-а, графикони из Традингвиев-а 

Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/analysis/bitcoin-plunges-to-15700-as-binance-rejects-ftx-takeover-levels-to-watch/