Анализа цена биткоина: БТЦ се брзо преокреће, враћа се изнад 46,000 долара

ТЛ; ДР Анализа

  • Анализа цена биткоина је данас биковска.
  • BTC/USD retraced to retest previous highs as support yesterday.
  • A strong rally began during the second half of the day.

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we have seen a quick retracement to $45,000 from previous major resistance, with a quick reaction higher so far. Therefore, BTC/USD has set another higher local low and is ready to test further upside over the weekend.

Bitcoin price analysis: BTC quickly reverses, returns above $46,000 1
Мапа топлоте криптовалуте. Извор: ЦоинКСНУМКС

The market has turned bullish over the last 24 hours as recovery is seen across the board. The market leader, Bitcoin, has gained 0.18 as the previous loss has been regained, while Ethereum has increased by 2.4 percent.

Bitcoin price movement in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin sets another higher low

БТЦ/УСД се трговало у распону од 44,403.14 долара – 46,616.24 долара, што указује на снажну волатилност у последња 24 сата. Обим трговине је порастао за 35.36 одсто, на укупно 44.465 милијарде долара, док се укупна тржишна капитализација тргује око 884.5 милијарде долара, што је резултирало доминацијом на тржишту од 41.46 одсто.

БТЦ/УСД 4-сатни графикон: БТЦ спреман за наставак раста?

On the 4-hour chart, we can see a strong push higher over the second half of the day, indicating bullish momentum returning in the market.

Анализа цена биткоина: БТЦ се брзо преокреће, враћа се изнад 46,000 долара
БТЦ / УСД 4-сатни графикон. Извор: ТрадингВиев

Bitcoin price has seen a strong spike higher early in the week leading to the $48,000 next major resistance. Previous major swing highs around $45,000 – $46,000 were broken without much hesitation, indicating strength in the overall market structure.

During the middle of the week, BTC/USD consolidated as bearish momentum slowly returned. Ultimately, quick retracement followed yesterday, leading to the retest of the previous resistance area as support around $45,000.

However, the bearish momentum did not follow for long as a strong reversal began over the second half of the day. Bulls have already pushed above $46,000, with further upside leading to $48,000.

Анализа цена биткоина: Закључак 

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we have seen a strong higher high set around $45,000 and further upside since then. Therefore, BTC/USD is expected to see further upside over the weekend, likely leading above $48,000.

Док чекате да Битцоин крене даље, погледајте наше чланке о Веб3 Стартупс, Улагање Ењин Цоин, и Где купити КСРП.

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Извор: хттпс://ввв.цриптополитан.цом/битцоин-прице-аналисис-2022-04-01/