Битцоин пумпе ће прећи 21 хиљада долара; Етхереум Мерге се очекује 14. септембра

The biggest news in the cryptoverse for Sept. 9 includes Bitcoin’s recent rally that took it above the $21,000 level; block calculation estimations indicating that Ethereum Merge will take place on Sept. 14; and Binance’s decision to not apply LUNC 1.2% token burn on spot and margin trades.

ЦриптоСлате Топ Сториес

Биткоин поново тестира 21 долара јер узима уназад од Етхереума пре спајања


Bitcoin increased by 10.3% since 3 am UTC on Sept.9. This increase put Bitcoin back to the leading role in the market since recently surging Ethereum fell by 0.8 BTC.

Етхереум Мерге је удаљен 34к блокова, а очекује се да ће се догодити 14. септембра

The Ultrasound Money tracker estimates that the Merge is about 34,000 blocks away, which means that the Merge can be expected to occur on Sept. 14 by 9 pm UTC.

Бинанце неће примењивати Терра Цлассиц пореске олакшице за спот трговину на берзи

LUNC community passed two governance proposals that involved the 1.2% burn on all on-chain transactions. As transactions are settled in an internal order book rather than on-chain, it is still vague how exchanges will apply the new burn policy.

Бинанце announced it wouldn’t apply Terra Luna Classic’s (LUNC) decision in its internal order-book settlements or spot and margin trades.

ЕТХПоВ тим потврђује да ће користити ЦхаинИД 10001 да избегне нападе понављања на Маиннету

Ethereum’s PoW team announced they’d use a different ChainID than the mainnet. ETHPoW testnet currently uses the  ChainID 10002, and the team announced that they’d use ChainID 10001 after the Merge is complete.

The community has been asking the ETHPoW team to clarify their ChainID, but there has been no response. Finally, Цоинбасе submitted the same request, which was answered by the ETHPoW team.

ЦриптоСлате говорио to Temoc Webber and Igor Mandrigin, CEO and CTO of Gateway.fm about the potential for relay attacks through the ETHPoW chain. During the conversation, Mandrigin said there is “no reason” for the ETHPoW team not to update the code before The Merge.

Програмер Етхереум Наме Сервице идентификује изазове у Виталиковом предлогу накнаде

Етхереум Наме Сервице (ENS) head Nick Johnson said the protocol can’t support the fee structure Виталик Бутерин suggested recently.

Johnson said that the protocol needs to make some changes before applying the new fee structure, which will be higher than the old one.

Buterin argued that the old prices didn’t compensate for the ENS DAO.

Амерички законодавци упозоравају да Фејсбук и Инстаграм „постају плодно тло“ за крипто преваре

A recent report from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) stated that мета‘s Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram have been hosting quite a lot of crypto scams.

According to the numbers, Instagram facilitated about 32% of the scams included in the report, while Facebook hosted 26%, and WhatsApp held 9%. Reacting to the numbers, regulators have asked Meta’s CEO, mark Цукерберг, to release a report disclosing Meta’s methods of dealing with crypto scams.

Запослени у Цоинбасе-у оптужио је Цобиеја да шири тврдње о инсајдерској трговини због ФТКС-а

Coinbase employee Pete Kim alleged that crypto influencer Cobi revealed insider information against Coinbase. Kim argues that Cobi wanted to harm Coinbase because of the influencer’s partnership with FTX.

Cobi responded to the allegations by saying he had no intention to spread FUD or reveal insider information.

Истакнуто истраживање

Research: Bitcoin Risk Signal suggests further downside in coming weeks

Even though Sept. 9’s Bitcoin rally instilled hope in the hearts of many, the signs indicate an upcoming downwards trajectory in the following weeks.

Bitcoin Risk Signal

ЦриптоСлате analysis shows that the Bitcoin Risk Signal is still very high. The signal is ranked between 0 and 100, where a risk-free environment is reflected with a number between 0 and 25. Even after today’s rally, Bitcoin Risk Signal is still at 87.

This indicates a possible downturn rally for Bitcoin in the upcoming weeks.

Вести из криптоверзума

Mark Cuban loses crypto fever

Once, crypto-maximalist billionaire Mark Cuban said that the crypto space had lost its radiance, as Улица reports it. Cuban admitted that he wasn’t excited about the crypto space anymore because it’s “missing new applications.”

EU preparing method to authenticate NFTs

The EU started a new initiative to fight IP Infringement. The new method will aim at authenticating NFTs and preventing counterfeit products.

Црипто Маркет

Bitcoin recorded a 10.26% increase in the last 24 hours, reaching $21,192. Ethereum accompanied it with a 4.49% increase to be traded at $1,703.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/cryptoslate-wrapped-daily-bitcoin-pumps-to-cross-21k-ethereum-merge-expected-on-sept-14/