Битцоин види најгоре месечно затварање у последње 2 године док трговци гледају 16.7 хиљада долара

Битцоин (BTC) attempted to flip $17,000 to support on Dec. 1 after sealing its lowest monthly close in two years.

БТЦ / УСД 1-сатни графикон свећа (Битстамп). Извор: ТрадингВиев

Bitcoin gains inch up as November end

Подаци из Цоинтелеграпх Маркетс Про ТрадингВиев showed BTC/USD circling $17,100 in a second intraday charge at higher levels.

The pair managed to avoid losses as the monthly candle closed, instead seeing solid daily gains of around 4.5% for Nov. 30.

Nonetheless, Bitcoin shed 16.2% for the month, making November 2022 its worst since 2019.

БТЦ/УСД месечни графикон приноса (снимак екрана). Извор: Цоингласс

The more buoyant mood coincided with comments from the United States Federal Reserve. In a speech on inflation and the labor market, Chair Jerome Powell openly изјавио that smaller interest rate hikes could begin as soon as December.

“Monetary policy affects the economy and inflation with uncertain lags, and the full effects of our rapid tightening so far are yet to be felt,” he said:

“Thus, it makes sense to moderate the pace of our rate increases as we approach the level of restraint that will be sufficient to bring inflation down. The time for moderating the pace of rate increases may come as soon as the December meeting.”

Powell characteristically cautioned on heralding a full turning point in policy, something markets had been keenly awaiting throughout the year.

„С обзиром на наш напредак у пооштравању политике, тајминг те модерације је далеко мање значајан од питања колико ће нам још требати да подигнемо стопе да бисмо контролисали инфлацију, и колико ће времена бити потребно да политику држимо на рестриктивном нивоу. ," додао је он.

Nonetheless, stocks reacted positively, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite Index ending the day up 3.1% and 4.4%, respectively, in line with Bitcoin.

No euphoria among traders

In responses of their own, meanwhile, crypto market commentators were equally cool on the immediate prospects despite the moderate month-end gains.

Релатед: Капитулација биткоина четврта је најгора икад јер власници БТЦ-а губе 4 милијарди долара за недељу дана

Crypto Tony warned that bulls were “getting cocky” into December and that now was not a suitable blind entry point.

“Now is not the time to go all in, thinking this is the bottom on Crypto,” he Рекао Твитер пратиоци:

“We have yet to see : – A macro higher high and higher low (Market structure trend change) – Bull volume coming in – Spot buys on the increase – Completed corrective structure.”

БТЦ/УСД графикон са коментарима. Извор: Црипто Тони/Твиттер

A key level to hold for continuation of the “bullish market structure,” he додао, was $16,700.

Мицхаел ван де Поппе, оснивач и извршни директор трговачке фирме Еигхт, сложио се on the importance of an area focused on $16,700 for his own strategy.

Ставови, мисли и мишљења изнети овде само су аутори и не одражавају нужно ставове и мишљења Цоинтелеграпх-а.