Биткоин ће достићи више од 100 хиљада долара 2023. пре „највећег тржишта медведа“ — трговац

Битцоин (BTC) will top $100,000 next year but a record-breaking bear market will follow, a popular trader believes.

У Твиттер дискусија on Oct. 22, Credible Crypto endorsed a theory that Bitcoin’s next halving will also see macro lows of just $10,000.

BTC bulls need only wait a year for $100,000

With consensus calling for Q4 2022 to match the end of the 2018 Bitcoin bear market, few are in the mood to call a trend change.

Док је а смело предвиђање from LookIntoBitcoin creator Philip Swift recently gave the current bear market just months to live, most commentators continue to target new lows.

For Credible Crypto, however, the really interesting territory lies further ahead — but 2023 will constitute a major turning point.

After setting new all-time highs (ATHs) of at least $100,000, BTC/USD will come down from its “blow-off top” in a way never seen before, he believes.

The next bear market will bottom out even lower than this year’s $17,600, giving buyers a chance to enter the market at as low as $10,000 as late as 2025.

“Agreed, probably in 2025 methinks,” Credible Crypto replied to the original prediction put forward by fellow trader and analyst Mr. Parabullic.

“First, new ATH in 2023- blow-off top 5th wave above 100k- followed by the largest bear market we have seen yet that is worse than the current one in both time and price- taking us to the 10-14k that everyone is waiting for now.”

Another active social media trader, Crypto Tony, found it harder to agree, calling for a macro low early next quarter, followed by a new uptrend.

From $10,000 Bitcoin to $2 million Bitcoin

Elsewhere, others have given levels between $10,000 and $16,000 as likely floor prices in the coming months.

Релатед: Глобална рецесија може потрајати до скоро 2024. Преполовљење биткоина - Елон Муск

Цена од 10,000 УСД припада to Filbfilb, co-founder of trading suite, Decentrader, while popular analyst Il Capo of Crypto наставља да инсистира that $14,000-$16,000 will swiftly enter after Bitcoin sees a relief bounce to around $21,000.

“All I see is a lot of shorts that should be squeezed,” he Рекао followers on Oct. 21, subsequently сугеришући the bounce was now beginning.

“Shorting support is not a good idea. Send it to 21k. Then nuke it to 14k.”

Longer term, meanwhile, asset manager Larry Lepard is betting on Bitcoin trading at a giant $2 million per coin within the next six years.

БТЦ/УСД се трговало на око 19,200 долара у време писања, према подацима из Цоинтелеграпх Маркетс Про ТрадингВиев

БТЦ / УСД 1-сатни графикон свећа (Битстамп). Извор: ТрадингВиев

Овдје приказана стајалишта и мишљења су искључиво становишта аутора и не одражавају нужно ставове Цоинтелеграпх.цом. Сваки потез улагања и трговања укључује ризик, приликом доношења одлуке требало би да спроведете сопствено истраживање.