БитцоинУСД․цом покреће страницу за праћење тржишта – Саопштење за штампу Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. BitcoinUSD.com, a website developed to educate the public on crypto exchanges and current prices, launched its new website. The new site provides more information on current cryptocurrency prices, live market cap, news and educational articles through its крипто блог.

The new site offers a variety of features. These include information on various coins, the Binance exchange, the biggest gainers and losers, a crypto calculator, a crypto ICO calendar, a block explorer, and a function allowing users to build a portfolio and blog for all of the latest cryptocurrency news.

BitcoinUSD.com began as a Bitcoin-focused cryptocurrency site, only to grow into a destination website for all cryptocurrencies. The site breaks down information on various cryptocurrencies and provides users with additional information on NFTs and other coins. BitcoinUSD also provides options for its users on where to find a размјена криптокутности platform and outlines how trustworthy each exchange is. Throughout the site are the up-to-the-minute prices for the top currencies and the site also outlines the day’s biggest gainers and losers. For those looking to get involved with the newest cryptocurrencies, BitcoinUSD provides a list of the upcoming ICOs. Users can upload their portfolios and track their gains, losses, and total valuation for current crypto owners in real-time.

The site offers a large swath of cryptocurrency news through the website’s blog. The blog helps to guide readers through their cryptocurrency journey, including how to read cryptocurrency indices and providing information on all of the important cryptocurrencies.

For more information or to view the current crypto prices, visit bitcoinusd.com.

About BitcoinUSD.com

BitcoinUSD.com is a premier news and resource platform, working since October 2020 to bring quality news content, reviews, technical analysis and other unique insights to the ever-growing cryptocurrency community. After starting with the sole focus on Bitcoin and its potential impact on the traditional financial systems, the company has grown with the cryptocurrency industry to cover various altcoins, blockchain projects, crowdsales, regulatory developments and the futuristic confluence of some of the leading technologies of time viz., blockchain, artificial intelligence, internet of things and more.

фацебоок: https://www.facebook.com/BitcoinUSDcom

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/Cryptoweazels

Линкедин: https://www.linkedin.com/company/69875404







Ово је саопштење за јавност. Читаоци би требало да предузму сопствену дужност пред преузимањем било каквих радњи везаних за промовисану компанију или било које од њених придружених компанија или услуга. Битцоин.цом није одговоран, директно или индиректно, за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у саопштењу за јавност.

Битцоин.цом Медиа

Битцоин.цом је главни извор за све што се односи на криптовалуте.
kontakt [емаил заштићен] да разговарате о саопштењима за штампу, спонзорисаним објавама, подкастовима и другим опцијама.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoinusd-com-launches-a-market-watch-site/