Анализа цена БТЦ, АВАКС и СОЛ за 1. септембар

Bulls are giving no chance to bears as већина новчића су наставили свој пад.

Врхунски новчићи компаније ЦоинМаркетЦап


Цена биткоина (БТЦ) је пала за 1.71% у последња 24 сата.

БТЦ / УСД графикон од ТрадингВиев

Despite the price drop, the rate of Bitcoin (BTC) is located in the middle of the channel, which means that sideways trading is the more likely scenario. One can consider the rise only when the main crypto returns to the Ознака $ КСНУМКС.

Битцоин се тргује по цени од 19,979 долара у време штампе.


Avalanche (AVAX) has followed the drop of Bitcoin (BTC), declining by 4%.

АВАКС/УСД графикон од ТрадингВиев-а

AVAX is going down after a failed attempt to fix above the $20 mark. Currently, one needs to pay attention to how bulls can hold the support level at $18.05. If they can hold it, there is a chance to see the false breakout, followed by the local correction.

АВАКС се тргује по цени од 18.90 долара у време штампе.


Solana (SOL) is the biggest loser from the list today, going down by 5.20%.

SOL/USD grafikon od TradingView-a

Analyzing the daily chart, Solana (SOL) is trading similarly to AVAX, as the price is on the way to the $30.19 level. If nothing changes by the end of the day, the breakout of the important $30 mark can happen within the next few days.

SOL se trguje po ceni od 31.07 dolara u vreme štampe.

Source: https://u.today/btc-avax-and-sol-price-analysis-for-september-1