БТЦ достигао најнижи ниво за недељу дана, биковско расположење бледи у понедељак – ажурирање тржишта Битцоин вести

Bitcoin fell to a seven-day low to start the week, as recent bullish momentum began to wear off in cryptocurrency markets. Friday’s stronger than expected U.S. non-farm payrolls report has made some question the Federal Reserve’s view that inflation has peaked. Ethereum also declined on Monday, however, it remained above $1,600.


Битцоин (BTC) started the week falling to a seven-day low, as market sentiment began to shift downwards.

BTC/USD has now fallen lower for five straight sessions, with today’s decline taking prices to a bottom of $22,734.48.

This drop sees bitcoin hit its weakest point since January 30, when prices were trading at a floor of $22,500.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Hits 1-Week Low, Bullish Sentiment Fades on Monday
BTC/УСД – Дневни графикон

Looking at the chart, the world’s largest cryptocurrency appears to be heading towards this point of support once again.

Недавни падови у BTC have come as the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) broke out of a floor at 68.00. It is now tracking at 61.15.

This is the lowest reading for the index in nearly a month, and comes following an extended streak in overbought territory.


Етхереум (ETH) also moved lower on Monday, however prices were able to remain above the $1,600 level despite the decline.

Након максимума од 1,665.26 долара у недељу, ETH/USD dropped by as much as 2% in today’s session, hitting a low of $1,616.30 in the process.

As a result of this sell-off, ethereum moved closer to its recent support level at $1,600. However, bulls have so far rejected a collision.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC Hits 1-Week Low, Bullish Sentiment Fades on Monday
ETH/УСД – Дневни графикон

This has been helped by the RSI, which has found its own floor at 58.00, providing a soft landing for previous bulls.

ETH has since rebounded from earlier losses, and at the time of writing, is trading at $1,630.55.

Should this RSI floor of 68.00 hold, ethereum bulls may attempt to make another move towards $1,700 as the week progresses.

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Елиман Дамбелл

Елиман доноси еклектичну тачку гледишта у анализу тржишта. Раније је био директор брокерских послова и едукатор за онлајн трговину. Тренутно ради као коментатор у разним класама имовине, укључујући крипто, акције и валуте, а такође је и оснивач стартапа.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Одрицање од одговорности: Овај чланак служи само у информативне сврхе. То није директна понуда или прикупљање понуда за куповину или продају, или препорука или потврда било ког производа, услуге или компаније. Битцоин.цом не пружа инвестиционе, пореске, правне или рачуноводствене савете. Ни компанија ни аутор нису директно или индиректно одговорни за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у овом чланку.

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-ethereum-technical-analysis-btc-hits-1-week-low-bullish-sentiment-fades-on-monday/