Цена БТЦ-а се држи 20 хиљада долара јер америчке акције губе еквивалент од 4 биткоина тржишне капице

Битцоин (BTC) briefly lost $20,000 support overnight into Sept. 14 after hot United States inflation sent risk assets crashing lower.

БТЦ / УСД 1-сатни графикон свећа (Битстамп). Извор: ТрадингВиев

Markets lose big in bid to “fight the Fed”

Подаци из Цоинтелеграпх Маркетс Про ТрадингВиев followed BTC/USD as it hit lows of $19,870 on Bitstamp — its worst since Sept. 9.

The move came amid a stocks rout triggered by Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation data for August coming in above expectations.

Despite still being lower than July, the market had hoped for a quicker cooling of inflation more broadly and hence the chance of a quicker loosening of policy by the Federal Reserve.

With that prospect now appearing slim, equities indexes hemorrhaged value, with Apple losing $154 billion — the sixth-biggest daily loss in U.S. stock market history.

“Markets had tried desperately to spin a bull case and fight the Fed, basically, and that’s a dangerous place to be,” Carol Schleif, deputy chief investment officer at BMO Family Office, Рекао Блумберг.

In total, U.S. stocks fell by приближно 1.6 трилиона долара on the day — more than four times the Bitcoin market cap.

The U.S. dollar consequently increased in strength, with the U.S. dollar index (DXY) surging back towards twenty-year highs.

At the time of writing, the index circled just under 110, less than 0.9% below that macro peak seen почетком месеца.

Индекс америчког долара (ДКСИ) 1-сатни графикон свећа. Извор: ТрадингВиев

“Septembear” comes back to haunt BTC bull

At the time of writing, cross-market crypto liquidations totaled $355 million, with Sept. 13 forming one of the largest long liquidation events in recent weeks.

Релатед: Битцоин маржа дуго-кратко у Битфинек-у достиже највиши ниво икада

Data from on-chain monitoring resource Coinglass also заробљени $88 million of short liquidations on that day.

Табела крипто ликвидација. Извор: Цоингласс

The sell-off thus left BTC/USD up just 1% for the month of September, which was nonetheless still the first “green” September since 2016, Coinglass показао.

БТЦ/УСД месечни графикон приноса (снимак екрана). Извор: Цоингласс

Овдје приказана стајалишта и мишљења су искључиво становишта аутора и не одражавају нужно ставове Цоинтелеграпх.цом. Сваки потез улагања и трговања укључује ризик, приликом доношења одлуке требало би да спроведете сопствено истраживање.