БТЦ / УСД пада испод нивоа од $ 42,000

Предвиђање цене биткоина - 20. марта

The Bitcoin price slides below the resistance level of $41,327. Further downside momentum may come to play, but $40,000 may likely come out as support.

БТЦ / УСД Дугорочни тренд: Распон (Дневни графикон)

Кључни нивои:

Нивои отпора: 46,000, 48,000, 50,000

Нивои подршке: 38,000, 36,000, 34,000 долара

Предвиђање цене биткоина
БТЦУСД - Дневни графикон

БТЦ / УСД range-bounds with the selling pressure seen around $41,327 level which is stopping it from seeing any major gains. Meanwhile, traders are not surprised by the selling pressure as bears are trying to defend against a break above the 9-day and 21-day moving averages. However, until bulls keep the price above this barrier, the king coin may continue to face a prolonged sideways.

Предвиђање цене биткоина: биткоин може благо пасти

Битцоин цена may likely slide below the 9-day and 21-day moving averages as the daily chart shows; however, a further retracement seems imminent, and it is likely to break below $11,000. Meanwhile, $38,000, $36,000, and $34,000 serve as the major support levels. The technical indicator Relative Strength Index (14) is likely to slide below 40-level, suggesting bearish movement.

Међутим, као што дневни графикон открива, ако бикови могли да потисну цену назад изнад дневног максимума од 63,100 долара, БТЦ/УСД би могао да види потенцијални ниво отпора на 64,000 долара, стога би свако даље кретање ка горњој граници канала могло да га пошаље на друге нивое отпора на 68,000, 70,000 и 72,000 долара респективно.

Цлоудбет бонус

БТЦ / УСД Средњорочни тренд: Распон (4Х графикон)

Looking at the 4-hour chart, the bears are likely to come into the market as the market price crosses below the 9-day and 21-day moving averages. The bulls failed to hold the Bitcoin price above the moving averages. Meanwhile, if BTC/USD breaks above the moving averages, the $43,000 and above may come into play.

БТЦУСД - Дневни графикон

However, if the price breaks towards the lower boundary of the channel, the support level of $40,000 and below may be in focus. Meanwhile, as the Relative Strength Index (14) nosedives below 50-level, more bearish signals may play out before a rebound could come in.

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68% рачуна малих инвеститора губи новац приликом трговања ЦФД-овима код овог добављача


Извор: хттпс://инсидебитцоинс.цом/невс/битцоин-прице-предицтион-бтц-усд-дропс-белов-42000-левел