Може ли се нови Битцоин Ралли одржати? Лов Спот Волумес каже другачије

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin spot trading volume hasn’t seen any significant rise recently, suggesting that the new rally may not last for too long.

Bitcoin Spot Trading Volume Observed Only A Slight Increase In The Past Week

Према последњем недељном извештају од Арцане Ресеарцх, the BTC trading volume hasn’t risen much recently despite the new price rally.

"дневни обим трговине” је индикатор који мери укупан износ биткоина који мења руку у било ком дану.

When the value of the metric rises, it means more coins are being transacted on the chain now. Such a trend shows that the market is becoming more active as investors find more interest in the crypto.

On the other hand, declining values of the indicator suggest the Bitcoin network is becoming increasingly inactive. This kind of trend may imply that the general interest around the coin is going down.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the Bitcoin Trading Volume over the past year:

Обим трговања биткоинима

The indicator's value doesn't look to be very high at the moment | Source: Недељно ажурирање Арцане Ресеарцх-а - 12. недеља 2022

As you can see in the above graph, the Bitcoin trading volume has observed a small increase over the last seven days.

However, despite the increase, the value of the indicator is still quite low historically, suggesting that there aren’t many traders involved in the network right now.

Релатед Реадинг | Битцоин МПИ нагло расте што сугерише да рудари можда бацају

Usually, whenever the indicator has had low trading volumes, any large move in the price hasn’t lasted long. This is because of the fact that to sustain such moves, you need a lot of traders in the market.

During periods of low Bitcoin volumes, there aren’t many traders buying and selling. However, generally any big price move attracts more investors on its own, thus keeping itself fueled.

But since the latest rally that has taken the price of BTC above $47k has failed to attract any significant trading volume, it may not be able to keep going for long.

Релатед Реадинг | Још једна крипто превара: Бивши произвођач забаве оптужен за заверу од 2.7 милиона долара „кеш за биткоин“

That said, things could very well change in the coming days as they have already done a few times in the past, and high activity could once again return to the network.

БТЦ цена

У време писања, Битцоин цена floats around $47.2k, up 12% in the past week. The below chart shows the trend in the price of the coin over the last five days.

Графикон цене Битцоина

Looks like the price of the crypto has surged up over the last few days | Source: БТЦУСД на ТрадингВиев
Истакнута слика са сајта Унспласх.цом, графикони са ТрадингВиев.цом, Арцане Ресеарцх

Source: https://bitcoinist.com/new-bitcoin-rally-up-low-spot-volumes-say-otherwise/