Крипто берза БитМЕКС каже да једна метрика открива када ће се тржиште биткоина завршити

Crypto trading platform BitMEX is revealing one metric that it says could signal the end of the bear market.

In a new blog post, BitMEX каже that based on Bitcoin’s Market Value to Realized Value Ratio (MVRV), BTC is currently early in the bear cycle compared to previous bear markets.

MVRV is the ratio of an asset’s market cap versus its realized capitalization – the value of all Bitcoin at the price they were bought not the current price.

“Looking at the other three key bear market cycles and measuring them by the Market Value To Realized Value Ratio, price was below realized price for an average of 244 days. (That estimate excludes the March 2020 period in the third bear market.) Currently, we’re at less than 30 days with the price being below realized price.”

According to BitMEX, Bitcoin could start recovering from early next year based on the average period of previous bear cycles.

“The 244-day blended average of previous time-based capitulation periods (prolonged periods below average market participant cost basis) would see bitcoin’s recovery above the realized price level take place in early February of 2023.”

The crypto firm says that the current Bitcoin bear cycle “does not look all that different” from previous cycles despite the dissimilar macroeconomic conditions.

“While much has been written about the macroeconomic backdrop regarding the bitcoin market (with our analysis assuredly included), this bitcoin cycle ironically does not look all that different from the cycles of the past.

At the time of writing, bitcoin is 69.72% below previous all-time highs, with the peak of the drawdown reaching 71.86% on May 18. Bear markets of bitcoin’s past saw drawdowns of 93.08%, 84.82% and 83.47% respectively. With this in mind, despite the absolute size of this cycle’s drawdown dwarfing previous cycles, in relative terms this was nothing out of the ordinary for bitcoin.”

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Featured Image: Shuttertsock/Voin_Sveta/Popmarleo

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/15/crypto-exchange-bitmex-says-one-metric-reveals-when-bitcoin-bear-market-will-end/