Црипто Гиант Граисцале одмах тужи СЕЦ након одбијања Битцоин ЕТФ-а

Crypto asset manager Grayscale is suing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over a rejected bid to convert Grayscale’s Bitcoin (BTC) fund into an exchange-traded fund (ETF).

In a recent open писмо, Grayscale announced the SEC was “discriminatory” when it rejected its application to convert the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) into a spot market Bitcoin ETF and says it’s suing the agency.

“Today, we received notice that our application to convert GBTC to a spot ETF was denied by the SEC. We are deeply disappointed by and do not agree with its decision…

СЕЦ не успева да примени доследан третман на биткоин инвестициона средства, о чему сведочи његово одбијање ГБТЦ-ове пријаве за конверзију у спот ЕТФ, али одобрење неколико Битцоин фјучерс ЕТФ-ова.

If regulators are comfortable with ETFs that hold derivatives of a given asset, they should logically be comfortable with ETFs that hold that same asset.

It is the SEC’s arbitrary and capricious actions and discriminatory treatment of issuers that necessitates elevating this matter to the courts in the best interest of GBTC and our investors.”

У нови Интервју on CNBC Squawk Box, Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenheim says the SEC missed a huge regulatory opportunity by rejecting their bid.

Skybridge Capital founder Anthony Scaramucci also одзвонио in, assessing that the SEC missed a massive opportunity that other nations are capitalizing on.

“It’s a missed opportunity for the country. We’ve had the mantle of financial services leadership for 100+ years and the fact that the SEC is moving in this direction [when] the Europeans are rallying for a cash ETF, the Canadians are rallying for a cash ETF, just a huge missed opportunity.”

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/иурии/Сенсвецтор

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/30/crypto-giant-grayscale-immediately-sues-sec-after-bitcoin-etf-rejection/