Ветеран крипто хеџ фонда предвиђа експлозиван параболичан потез за Битцоин - ево његове временске линије

Morgan Creek Digital managing partner Mark Yusko thinks the bottom is already in for Bitcoin (BTC) and it’s due for a massive rally in less than a year.

In a new interview with Stansberry Research, Yusko каже host Matt McCall that after nearly ten months of frustration and financial loss, the crypto winter is finally over with Bitcoin ready to move in about half a year.

“I think crypto spring is here. We’re still a ways from crypto summer when we get another parabolic move up.

But that will come probably in six to nine months.”

The crypto hedge fund executive looks beyond the fluctuating price charts to emphasize the importance of the blockchain as represented by the original crypto asset.

“Bitcoin is a perfect store of value. It’s basically digital gold. Gold is the only money in the history of the world. Bitcoin is as good as gold. It’s equally scarce, yet it’s more divisible and more portable.”

Yusko goes on to explain why he’s not worried about the major losses Bitcoin has incurred since late in 2021, noting that he believes BTC already hit a cycle bottom at around $17,500 back in the middle of June.

Everything’s down since November because we had these massive liquidations of overleveraged speculation. When you get a margin call, you don’t get to sell what you want to sell. You’ve got to sell gold, bonds and Bitcoin.

The things that [previously] didn’t go down, now go down. So now everything’s going down, correlations go up, but that’s a temporal thing. Now correlations are reversing again.

[Last] Friday was a good example: Markets were down, Bitcoin was up. Bitcoin’s up a lot since mid-June. That’s when I will say was the bottom, the $17,500 candle that day.

We made a series of higher lows and higher highs.”

У време писања, Битцоин се тргује за 24,029 долара.


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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Мацровецтор

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/08/12/crypto-hedge-fund-veteran-predicts-explosive-parabolic-move-for-bitcoin-heres-his-timeline/