Црипто Оутлоок: Етхереум вс Битцоин; Крипто кредити; Метини крипто планови

With a solid rebound in March, crypto investment analysts appear to take a more bullish tone on the sector going forward.

“Recovery is on track this week, with Bitcoin performing better by over 7% and Ethereum by 16% since last week,” said Eliézer Ndinga, Director of Research at Index Token Issuer Amun. “Avalanche is also up by a whopping 28.7%; a development that may be attributed to the increasing interest in the NFT ecosystem when gauging the 48% jump in the network’s NFT sales, as well as the excitement surrounding the expansion of Terra’s Anchor money-market protocol onto the AVAX network.”

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/investing/crypto-outlook-ethereum-vs-bitcoin-crypto-loans-metas-crypto-plans?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo