Подаци сугеришу да је Битцоин боља инвестиција од С&П 500 упркос волатилности

Подаци сугеришу да је Битцоин боља инвестиција од С&П 500 упркос волатилности

In the midst of the global inflation and a crisis that has engulfed the тржиште цриптоцурренци in the past weeks, crypto’s flagship asset, Bitcoin (BTC) and its correlation with the established classes are increasingly drawing the attention of инвеститори и аналитичари.

One of them is a prominent crypto analyst and former institutional инвеститор with 25 years of experience in финансијска тржишта познат као План Б, who posted a цхарт on his Twitter account on July 14, demonstrating a linear correlational relationship between the traditional asset classes and Bitcoin.

Better investment than other assets?

According to the chart, which compares a 10-year growth of both S&P 500 on the x-axis and Bitcoin on the y-axis, S&P 500’s average prices have advanced four times – from around $1,000 to $4,000, whereas Bitcoin’s increased 1,000 times during the observed period – from $10 to $10,000, as План Б објаснио, describing this as “spectacular.”

Linear correlation between Bitcoin and S&P 500. Source: План Б

Bitcoin versus inflation

In an earlier tweet from June 11, План Б had (имао) објаснио that inflation was the reason why Bitcoin came into being in the first place, highlighting that inflation was neither transitory nor caused by the actions of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. 

As he explained, “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon” caused by central банке degrading currencies by printing more money. 

To drive his point home, PlanB posted a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics chart demonstrating the historically dropping purchasing power of the U.S. dollar, along with a photo showing dramatically lower prices of McDonald’s (NYSE: МЦД) meals in the past.

Meanwhile, Mark Mobius, the founder of asset management firm Mobius Capital Partners нагласио there was a strong correlation between the activities of Bitcoin and the S&P 500, describing it as “a tail wagging the dog. You see, Bitcoin goes down, and the S&P 500 goes down. So it’s a very unusual situation,” as Финболд објављено средином јуна.

odricanje: Садржај на овом сајту не треба сматрати саветом за инвестирање. Улагање је шпекулативно. Када инвестирате, ваш капитал је у опасности. 

Source: https://finbold.com/data-suggests-bitcoin-is-better-investment-than-sp-500-despite-volatility/