ЕТЦ, УНИ склизнуо на 2-месечне најниже вредности у понедељак – ажурирање тржишта Битцоин вести

Ethereum classic fell to a two-month low to start the week, as prices in the cryptocurrency market continue to decline. Uniswap also slipped to a multi-month low on Monday, as the token hit its weakest level since July. As of writing, the global crypto market cap is down 5.08%

Етхереум Цлассиц (ETC)

Етхереум цлассиц (ETC) was one of the most notable movers on Monday, as the token fell by over 12% to start the week.

Following a high of $33.41 during the weekend, ETC/УСД је раније данас пао на најнижи ниво од 27.91 долара.

The drop comes less than a week after ethereum classic was trading above $40.00, ahead of last Wednesday’s Merge.

Biggest Movers: ETC, UNI Slip to 2-Month Lows on Monday
ETC/УСД – Дневни графикон

Monday’s drop sees ETC move to its lowest point since July 27, when the token was trading near $24.00.

As of writing, earlier price declines have eased, with ETC now back above the $30.00 mark.

After a brief breakout, the 14-day relative strength index (RSI) is also tracking marginally above a support of its own at 40.95.

Унисвап (УНИ)

Like ethereum classic, UNI was also in the red to start the week, as the token moved closer to a multi-month low.

On Monday, UNI/USD found itself trading below a support point of $5.50, with prices falling to as low as $5.42.

Слично ETC, this is the lowest level UNI has hit since July, however in this instance the bottom occurred on July 11.

Biggest Movers: ETC, UNI Slip to 2-Month Lows on Monday
УНИ / УСД - Дневни графикон

Looking at the chart, the sell-off led to the RSI hitting a floor of 36.15, with bears using this as a signal to secure previous gains.

Currently UNI is trading higher, with prices close to climbing above the aforementioned support point of $5.50.

Should this happen, bullish sentiment will likely begin to return, with traders likely looking to push the token above $6.00.

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Will Wednesday’s interest rate decision have a big impact on crypto prices? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Елиман Дамбелл

Елиман доноси еклектичну тачку гледишта у анализу тржишта, он је раније био директор брокерских послова и едукатор за малопродају. Тренутно ради као коментатор у различитим класама имовине, укључујући крипто, акције и валуту.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Одрицање од одговорности: Овај чланак служи само у информативне сврхе. То није директна понуда или прикупљање понуда за куповину или продају, или препорука или потврда било ког производа, услуге или компаније. Битцоин.цом не пружа инвестиционе, пореске, правне или рачуноводствене савете. Ни компанија ни аутор нису директно или индиректно одговорни за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у овом чланку.

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/biggest-movers-etc-uni-slip-to-2-month-lows-on-monday/