Суоснивач ЕТХ Виталик Бутерин каже да би спајање могло да се догоди у августу, да постоји и „ризик од кашњења“ – Битцоин вести

Following the statements from Ethereum developer Preston Van Loon at the Permissionless conference, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has further confirmed The Merge will likely happen in August. Buterin noted, however, that it’s quite possible there’s still a risk of delay, and The Merge could happen in September or October 2022.

The Merge Could Happen in August, Buterin Says

Недавно, Виталик Бутерин spoke at the ETH Shanghai Web 3.0 Developer Summit and Ethereum’s co-founder discussed the highly-anticipated proof-of-stake (PoS) transition. The Merge is scheduled to go live on Ethereum’s testnet Ropsten in 18 days on June 8, 2022.

Током ETH Shanghai Summit, Buterin explained that the transition will be a major test for the entire Ethereum ecosystem. “This will be a major test, larger than any of the tests that we have done before,” Buterin stressed. “Taking a large existing test network with many applications with proof-of-work, moving into proof-of-stake.”

ETH Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Says The Merge Could Happen in August, There's Also 'Risk of Delay'
Ethereum roadmap which includes The Merge, The Surge, The Verge, The Purge, and The Splurge.
  • Furthermore, Buterin confirmed that The Merge may be implemented by August, as ETH програмер Престон Ван Лоон had said the same at the Permissionless conference. However, while Buterin did mention the month of August, he also eluded to delays.
  • “If there are no problems then the merge will happen in August,” the Ethereum co-founder said. “But of course, there’s always a risk of problems. There’s also a risk of delays. And so September is possible and October is possible as well,” Buterin added.
  • Meanwhile, The Merge is the first of Ethereum’s major upgrades following the London upgrade, which implemented ETH’s burn mechanism. Following The Merge, Ethereum will implement The Surge, The Verge, The Purge, and finally The Splurge.
  • The Surge aims to help improve scaling by leveraging zero-knowledge rollups (ZK-rollups) преко технике шарања. Ethereum’s The Verge transition will apply Веркле треес in order to achieve statelessness by using the Merkle proof upgrade.
ETH Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Says The Merge Could Happen in August, There's Also 'Risk of Delay'
“The structure of nodes in a hexary (16 children per parent) Verkle tree, here filled with six (key, value) pairs,” Vitalik Buterin said in a blog post about Verkle trees.
  • The Purge will add an EVM simplification track and eliminate historical data and technical debt, according to the Ethereum roadmap. Finally, The Splurge revolves around “Miscellaneous but important extras.”
  • Buterin also talked about The Surge and noted that after these two upgrades (Merge & Surge), Ethereum will be “a great system.”
Ознаке у овој причи
Бутерин, ETH Shanghai Web 3.0 Developer Summit, етер, Ethereum, Етхереум Девелоперс, Етхереум Спајање, Permissionless conference, Престон Ван Лоон, Risk of Delay, Скалирање, Схардинг, апатридије, Спајање, чистке, The Splurge., Пораст, Верге, Веркле треес, Виталик, Виталик Бутерин, ЗК роллупс

What do you think about Vitalik Buterin’s comments about The Merge and the Ethereum roadmap? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 5,000 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/eth-co-founder-vitalik-buterin-says-the-merge-could-happen-in-august-theres-also-risk-of-delay/