Спајање Етхереума је скоро ту – Зашто би Битцоин могао бити убица Етхереума – Цоинпедиа – Финтецх & Цриптоцуррени Невс Медиа

There has been a lot of hype surrounding the upcoming Ethereum Merge and how it’s going to take the platform to any entirely new level. Some investors are so excited about the future of Ethereum (Ether) after the merge that they are buying it up left and right, even though the value has gone down considerably this year.

What some believe, though, is that Ethereum’s new move to a proof-of-stake validation system will actually open it up to new security risks. Instead of potentially overcoming Bitcoin (BTC) in terms of value, then, these people believe that BTC could actually separate itself more as the most secure blockchain in the world. 

This is certainly possible, as we’ll dive into more below. But, another thing to consider is that, despite a lot of talk about BTC and Ether and what their potential is, both are performing quite poorly in 2022, and don’t have a great outlook in the near future, either.

That makes other cryptocurrencies worth a look. There’s a new meme coin that’s about to hit the market that’s making great waves already, and is bound to provide exceptional returns. It’s called Tamadoge, and it’s taking the meme coin market by storm, even while it’s still in its presale.

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No One is Talking about Bitcoin, and for Good Reason

If you keep your ear to the ground in the crypto world, you’ll notice that much of the talk right now centers around the Ethereum merge, set for mid-September. People are clamoring about how the merge is going to change the game not just for Ether but for other crypto as well.

They debate whether blockchain’s future will be spread out on multiple chains, or whether it will be consolidated onto a few. They’re chatting about which of the Virtual Machine-based protocols that Ethereum is going to use is going to be the one that’s most secure.

But, as some people are pointing out, no one is talking at all about Bitcoin. The reason for this is that there’s nothing to talk about — and that’s a good thing.

BTC hasn’t changed much in recent years, and there’s a reason for that: There’s no reason to change. It’s already an ultra-secure platform. There aren’t big hacks that expose vulnerabilities, as has been seen with other crypto markets.

So, while there’s a lot of hype surrounding Ether, the hype might not be a good thing. Sometimes, it’s the other guys that are worth looking into when all the attention is being paid to something else.

BTC isn’t the only crypto that falls into this realm, though. So, too, does Tamadoge (TAMA), a new highly-secure, eco-friendly meme coin that’s completely revamping how people think about meme coins. It’s performing very well in presales, and is bound to be a secure, long-lasting investment for those who buy it.

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Tamadoge is Reinventing Meme Coins in a Secure Way

Security is obviously a major concern for any crypto investor — and Tamadoge has these people’s interests in mind. TAMA has created an exceptionally secure environment, alleviating any concerns people might have about a new meme coin hitting the market. What’s more, it’s pre-mined, which helps it become a very eco-friendly crypto at a time when there’s so much talk about crypto being a drain on energy around the world.

Tamadoge is separating itself from the competition by combining the worlds of NFT and Play-to-Earn (P2E) into one. Users are able to breed, train and battle out there NFTs on the Tamaverse, where they can then climb up a monthly leaderboard.

There will also be P2E opportunities that will include AR experiences, where users can take their doges into the metaverse to play with friends.

This perfect combination in approach is what is setting TAMA apart from the competition, and why it’s bound to be an extremely successful meme coin launch. The Beta sale closed early, and the presale is nearly over as well.

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Buy TAMA Now Before It’s Too Late

The TAMA presale has performed exceptionally well. In fact, there are only roughly 7.23 million TAMA remaining out of an initial presale amount of 1 billion. Tamadoge has raised roughly $13.069 million of its original $13.250 million goal.

So, if you want to get in on the ground floor of the exciting new meme coin that’s taking the market by storm, you better act now — before it’s too late.

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Како купити Тамадоге


За почетак, уверите се да имате МетаМаск новчаник инсталиран на вашем претраживачу или користите један од новчаника које подржава Валлет Цоннецт (препоручујемо Труст Валлет).

Куповина на десктоп претраживачу ће вам омогућити лакше искуство куповине. За ово препоручујемо Метамаск.

Ако купујете на мобилном телефону, препоручујемо да користите Труст Валлет и да се повежете преко уграђеног претраживача (само копирајте хттпс://буи.тамадоге.ио у Труст Валлет претраживач).


Када будете спремни за жељеног добављача новчаника, кликните на „Повежи новчаник“ и изаберите одговарајућу опцију. За апликације за мобилни новчаник мораћете да изаберете „Валлет Цоннецт“.

You will then have three optionsBuy ETH With Card. This option will allow you to purchase ETH that will be sent to your wallet by our partner, Transak.

You will then be able to use this ETH to purchase TAMA. Click “Buy Eth With Card” to begin and follow the on screen steps. We recommend purchasing a minimum of $15 worth of ETH to cover the minimum TAMA purchase.Buy TAMA With ETH.

Када будете имали довољно ЕТХ у свом новчанику (ако немате ЕТХ или УСДТ, изаберите опцију 1 да бисте прво купили ЕТХ), сада можете заменити свој ЕТХ за ТАМА. Унесите износ ТАМА који желите да купите (минимално 1,000), а затим кликните на „Претвори Етх“.

Your wallet provider will ask you to confirm the transaction and will also show you the cost of gas.Buy TAMA with USDT. Please ensure you have at least $15 of USDT in your wallet before commencing the transaction.

Унесите износ ТАМА који желите да купите (минимално 1,000). Кликните на „Претвори УСДТ“. Затим ће бити затражено да одобрите куповину ДВУПАТА. Прво одобрење је за УСДТ уговор, а друго за износ трансакције. Уверите се да сте прошли кроз оба корака одобрења да бисте довршили трансакцију.


Once the presale has concluded, you will be able to claim your TAMA tokens. We will release details closer to the time, however you will need to visit the main site https://tamadoge.io and click on the gold “Claim” button. 

Тамадоге Цонтрацт

Користите информације о уговору у наставку да бисте додали ТАМА токен у свој новчаник.

Address: 0x12b6893cE26Ea6341919FE289212ef77e51688c8

Децимали: КСНУМКС

Симбол токена: ТАМА

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odricanje: Ово је порука за штампу. Цоинпедиа не подржава нити је одговоран за било који садржај, тачност, квалитет, оглашавање, производе или друге материјале на овој страници. Читаоци би требало да сами истраже пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом.

Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/ethereum-merge-is-almost-here-why-bitcoin-might-be-the-ethereum-killer/