Фетцх и ИнКубета су АИ крипто пројекти који имају потенцијал да постану следећи Битцоин

ИнКубета (КУБЕ) and Fetch.ai (FET) are two AI cryptocurrency projects that have the potential to make investors as much profit as early Bitcoin (BTC) holders have enjoyed. Bitcoin was only worth pennies after its launch, but its all-time highest reached well into the five figures. 

The InQubeta presale, in particular, is getting lots of attention from expert crypto investors who are excited to purchase tokens at discounted rates. Those who invest during the presale’s beta stage can expect their portfolios to increase by 4x by the time it’s over. 

The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors with total investments in the industry jumping over $100 billion from 2015 to 2022. Investments in AI-linked companies are expected to increase to $1,591 billion by 2023. Cryptocurrency experts are predicting a significant portion of these investments will be funneled into AI-driven altcoins like InQubeta and Fetch.ai that help to push the technology forward. 

InQubeta shows potential to enjoy similar growth to Bitcoin

InQubeta is one of the select cryptocurrencies that solve real-world problems. Traditional investment mediums are known for their elitist attitudes and often have barriers, like unreasonable minimum investment amounts, that prevent everyday people from taking advantage of investment opportunities. These barriers also hurt companies looking to generate capital for their operations. 

InQubeta (QUBE) provides a platform that allows investors to bypass these barriers and invest in promising AI startups. It makes it possible for anyone with a cryptocurrency wallet to be part of the artificial intelligence revolution. 

AI was once nothing more than a novel idea, but a lot has changed in the past decades. Concepts like self-driving cars that once seemed far-fetched are now being massed produced. Doctors now use AI-powered software to increase the accuracy of their diagnoses. AI will become an increasing part of everyday life as the technology improves. It will undoubtedly create new industries much like the internet revolution did in the late 90s. 

Companies raise funds for projects on InQubeta’s ecosystem by developing fractionalized ERC-20 non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These tokens represent equity in the startups and other bonuses like profit sharing. Investors browse, learn about, and purchase tokens of any startups they find promising, owning equity in them. 

Dealings on InQubeta’s platform are done with $QUBE tokens, the blockchain’s native cryptocurrency. These tokens have deflationary protocols to help with price growth like a 2% tax that’s tacked to all marketplace transactions. The proceeds of these taxes go to a burn wallet to be removed from the total supply, helping with price growth. 

$QUBE tokens also provide access to the platform’s governance. $QUBE investors get to propose and vote on ideas that affect the platform’s operations with the size of their portfolios determining the weight of their voice. 

Посетите ИнКубета Пресале 

Fetch.ai still generating buzz among investors

Фетцх.аи is a decentralized blockchain platform that uses AI to automate everyday tasks like booking a flight or ordering delivery. The platform’s goal is to automate and decentralize web transactions. This is done with a digital version of each user called a ‘digital twin.’ 

Each user’s digital twin represents them on the platform and interfaces with digital twins from goods and service providers. These digital twins negotiate on their users’ behalf using parameters set by them like their budgets. 

Digital twins can also learn from other digital twins. For example, a user’s digital twin can interact with a friend’s digital twin to learn specifics about a service or goods they purchased to help it find better deals for its owner. These automated bots can also be used for decentralized financial services. 


Cryptocurrency investors have spoken; AI-linked altcoins have the highest potential for Bitcoin-like rewards. A mounting number of investors are dumping other cryptocurrencies in favor of the opportunity to make substantial profits as the AI industry develops. 

Придружите се ИнКубета заједницама

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/06/03/fetch-and-inqubeta-are-the-ai-crypto-projects-that-hold-the-potential-to-become-the-next-bitcoin/