Четири алткоина испод радара еруптирају 100% или више за само седам дана, надмашујући Битцоин и крипто тржишта

Four low-cap altcoins are printing gains of 100% or more over the last week, massively outperforming Bitcoin (BTC) and the rest of the crypto markets.

The top gainer in the bunch is STEPN (GMT), a project that encourages health and fitness by rewarding users for participating in outdoor activities.

The move-to-earn protocol employs two crypto assets, Green Metaverse Token (GMT) for governance and Green Satoshi Token (GST) for in-game uses such as buying and minting non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

СТЕПН saw a 200% price increase over a period of seven days, rising from a low of $0.28 to as high as $0.84. GMT is currently trading for $0.78.

Also soaring is JasmyCoin (JASMY), a data democratization platform that was created by several former top executives at Sony.

The platform is designed to power a digital marketplace that allows users to sell information generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices to corporate enterprises. The JASMY token serves as the central payment currency within the ecosystem.

ЈасмиЦоин experienced an impressive 193% move to the upside, rising from a low of $0.016 to $0.047 over the week. JASMY is currently up 3.81% on the day and priced at $0.034.

Next on the list of top gainers is Origin Protocol (OGN). Built on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, the ecosystem focuses on NFTs and decentralized finance (DeFi), plus has its own stablecoin called Порекло Доллар (OUSD).

Пројекат је недавно покренуо a governance proposal to decide on whether or not to issue a new token for OUSD, which would then be airdropped to OGN holders.

Оригин Протоцол rose from $0.40 to a seven-day high of $0.85 for a 112% gain. OGN is currently down 8.7% and is valued at $0.70.

The last altcoin lighting up the crypto charts is Unibright (UBT), which offers enterprise-grade blockchain solutions with an emphasis on lowering costs and reducing the need for tech-savvy developers.

Calling itself the “Ethereum for enterprises,” the project’s signature Baseline Protocol is geared for performance while also ensuring privacy by keeping confidential data off-chain. Its long-awaited mainnet is also soon due for отпустите.

Унибригхт surged by 100% from a low of $0.97 to as high as $1.94 before correcting. UBT is up by 2.80% at time of writing and trading for $1.76.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Титхи Луадтхонг/Наталиа Сииатовскаиа

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/03/22/four-under-the-radar-altcoins-erupt-100-or-more-in-just-seven-days-leaving-bitcoin-and-crypto-markets-in-the-rearview/