Са овог нивоа цена биткоина може видети трчање бика

A renowned cryptocurrency expert is using a certain statistic to forecast where Цене биткоина (БТЦ). will head in the future.

Бењамин Цовен обавештава својих 748,000 ИоуТубе пратилаца у новој сесији стратегије да је 200-дневни једноставни покретни просек (СМА) ефикасно предвиђање будућих нивоа БТЦ-а, пружајући статистику графикона за 2018. као илустрацију.

Cowen quotes that until the 200-day moving average gets dismissed, everyone has a strategy. According to him, following the rejection of the 200-day moving average, we failed to make a higher low. What happened then? A lower bottom, similar to what happened back in 2018.

Further, Cowen says, Often, after making the initial lower bottom, there is a relief rebound back to the 200-day moving average. Else, it’s a return towards the northern line which we were holding as security before.

Цовен затим истиче два могућа нивоа цена на СМА. Он сматра да су 41,700 и 40,000 долара критичне прекретнице за одржавање БТЦ-а.

Explaining his stance, the strategist quotes that at the moment, the 200-day SMA is about $41,700, but it is falling quite swiftly. He predicts that if we hesitantly extend it out… by the mid of June, the 200-day moving average may even be closer to $40,000.

However, he has a solution. As per his belief, if we have a recovery rebound, we’ll choose to keep an eye on that 200-day moving average. This will happen because it’s a boundary that we need to cross.

The expert closes his observations by stating that it may require multiple trials for Bitcoin to break through the 200-day SMA price point. As BTC is now in a bearish trend, it’s difficult to predict how and when the king currency will rebound.

Цена биткоина ће ускоро видети још један 200-дневни СМА

Crown urges his followers to remember that we observed persistent rejection by the 200-day SMA maybe twice in 2018. Although you could say three times…  but we came close. Finally, we broke through on the fourth genuine try.

He continues that There might even be a next one in the following weeks. If that happens, gear up for the 200-day. 

Earlier in March, Cowen had mentioned this. He stated that we’re in a bear market. So don’t expect everyone to just break through the bull market and maintain it just because it was done before.

Опсег подршке биковом тржишту је технички индикатор који комбинује 20-недељни једноставни покретни просек Битцоин-а и 21-недељни експоненцијални покретни просек (ЕМА).

У време извештавања, Битцоин мења своје руке на 30,296 долара уз пад од 0.59% у последња 24 сата.

Да ли је ово писање било од помоћи?

Source: https://coinpedia.org/bitcoin/from-this-level-bitcoin-price-can-see-a-bull-run-claims-analyst-benjamin-cowen/