Функо планира да лансира Јаи и Силент Боб НФТ колекцију преко дигиталне колекционарске платформе Дроппп – Блоцкцхаин Битцоин вести

Three months ago, Funko Inc., disclosed that it was entering the non-fungible token (NFT) industry when it announced it acquired a majority ownership stake in the NFT startup Tokenwave. At the time, Funko’s CEO Brian Mariotti explained that “Funko Pop digital NFTs” have the potential to be a “game-changer.” On Friday, Funko announced the company is launching a new NFT collection featuring Jay and Silent Bob from the filmmaker Kevin Smith’s Clerks films.

Funko to Introduce Jay and Silent Bob Non-Fungible Tokens and Corresponding Physical Versions

The cult classic characters from the Clerks movies, Jay and Silent Bob, will be showcased in a new non-fungible token (NFT) collection released by the publicly-listed pop-culture consumer products firm Функо (Насдак: ФНКО).

Jay and Silent Bob are best known for appearing in the Clerks films, but they also appear in all of Kevin Smith’s Askewniverse movies. The duo also star in their own films “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back,” “Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie,” and “Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.”

Funko Plans to Launch Jay and Silent Bob NFT Collection via the Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Функо најавила the Jay and Silent Bob NFT collection on Friday via Twitter and Facebook and noted that the collection will drop on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. “Jay and Silent Bob x Funko Series 1 Digital Pop! coming soon to Droppp,” Funko твеетед.

The website digital.funko.com gives a bit more information on the upcoming Jay and Silent Bob NFT compilation. According to the site, Funko is releasing Jay and Silent Bob digital collectibles, but also physical versions of the Jay and Silent Bob Funko Pop characters will be created as well.

Funko’s Digital Pop NFTs Join Dozens of Well Known Brands Issuing Digital Collectible Products

Prior to announcing the Jay and Silent Bob NFTs, Funko has teamed up with well known brands like ДЦ Цомицс варнер Брос. Funko Digital Pop non-fungible tokens are similar to the products Funko sells in stores as they feature Funko’s distinctive style. The Funko Digital Pop Jay and Silent Bob NFTs will be made available via the NFT platform Дроппп.

While the NFTs will stem from the Droppp platform, Funko digital collectibles are issued on the Wax blockchain network. In addition to the NFTs, Funko will be showcasing “an immersive, fan-focused community experience” at the San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) from July 21 to July 24, 2022. Funko’s new blockchain-based digital products join a slew of well known brands that have entered the NFT and metaverse industry during the last few years.

Brands that have participated in the NFT space so far include Топпс, Адидас, Аризона ледени чај, Ганнетт, Мекдоналдс, Будвеисер, Фанатици, ВВЕ, Бицикл, Варнер Брос, Пепси, Нике, Цоца-Цола, Роллинг Стоне, DeLorean Motor Company (DMC), и чудо. Despite the brand recognition and Целебритиес entering the fray, NFT sales are довн КСНУМКС% this month lower than the 30 days prior, according to cryptoslam.io statistics on July 15.

Ознаке у овој причи
Адидас, Аризона ледени чај, Askewniverse movies, Бицикл, Блоцкцхаин, Будвеисер, Clerks films, цриптослам.ио статистицс, култни класик, cult classic characters, Дигитал Цоллецтибле, Дигитални колекционарство, Дроппп, Фанатици, Редитељ, Funko’s Digital Pop NFTs, Ганнетт, Кевин Смитх, МцДоналдс, индустрија метаверза, нфт, NFT platform Droppp, НФТ продаја, НФТ, Незаменљиви жетон, Незаменљиви токени, Физичке верзије, Топпс, варнер Брос, Вак Блоцкцхаин, ВВЕ

What do you think about Funko introducing Jay and Silent Bob NFTs? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 5,700 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Editorial photograph credit: Jay and Silent Bob, Funko Digital Pop,

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/funko-plans-to-launch-jay-and-silent-bob-nft-collection-via-the-digital-collectibles-platform-droppp/