Гнок (ГНОКС), Етхереум Цлассиц (ЕТЦ) и Битцоин Голд (БТГ) нуде најбољи повраћај улагања управо сада

If you’re looking for big returns on your investment, you can’t go wrong with cryptocurrencies. In the past year alone, the top cryptos have seen ROIs of over 1,000%. That’s 10 times your money back. And it’s not just a one-time event. The cryptos below have been on a tear for the past few months, and there’s no reason to think they’ll slow down anytime soon. So if you’re looking to get the best ROI right now, putting your money in the following cryptos might be a good idea.

Гнок (ГНОКС)

Гнок allows new cryptocurrency investors to learn about a large portion of the market while also earning passive income – yield farming as a service. Purchasing and holding the token is all that is required for investors to see their investment grow.

When its token is bought or sold, a portion of the transaction goes into its treasury, which is then used to invest in cryptocurrencies and generate passive income on various DeFi platforms. This type of diversification can be difficult for the average cryptocurrency investor. Gnox, on the other hand, makes it simple.

In addition, a 1% rake on all GNOX sales is airdropped back to holders once every hour. So not only is the token deflationary, individual stacks are constantly growing.

Many cryptocurrency experts believe that Gnox, a revolutionary new method of decentralized finance, will break price gain records due to its strong business model and impressive passive income utility.

Gnox is a DeFi earning tool that has gained market popularity due to its ease of use, making it ideal for those who are just getting started in the world of finance.

Етхереум Цлассиц (ЕТЦ)

Ethereum Classic is the original record of the Ethereum blockchain and is a hard fork that resulted from the infamous The DAO incident on the Ethereum blockchain. An exploit drained a significant portion of The DAO’s treasury fund, and Ethereum developers made a decision that shocked the entire industry. 

Blockchains are supposed to be immutable, so Ethereum developers rolled back the blockchain to before the exploit occurred and moved the funds to another smart contract.

As the merger approaches and Ethereum shifts to PoS (Proof of Stake) rather than PoW (Proof of Work), many fear that the network will become more centralized, with larger nodes controlling the selection of delegates. As more people return to the original blockchain, Ethereum Classic is expected to experience a massive rally.

Битцоин Голд (БТГ) 

Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork of Bitcoin that maintains the network’s security while allowing for more experimentation. It maintains the same level of decentralization that made Bitcoin so popular in the first place. With increasing mining difficulty and block rate rewards slashed every four years, Bitcoin mining has become dominated by well-capitalized large players who can afford expensive equipment on a large scale.

Bitcoin Gold is a truly decentralized blockchain that allows ordinary users to become nodes and validate transactions. With its next critical level of resistance at USD 48 and momentum on the bulls’ side, 2022 appears to be a fantastic year for BTG holders.

Сазнајте више о Гнок-у:

Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.gnox.io/register

Сајт: https://gnox.io

телеграм: https://t.me/gnoxfinancial

Дискорд: https://discord.com/invite/mnWbweQRJB

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/gnox_io

инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/gnox.io

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Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/gnox-gnox-ethereum-classic-etc-and-bitcoin-gold-btg-offering-the-best-roi-right-now/