Ево како би Битцоин (БТЦ) могао да створи „право“ дно, према аналитичару Кевину Свенсону

A closely tracked crypto strategist is mapping out how Bitcoin could carve a bear market bottom this year as BTC trades below $20,000.

In a strategy session, Kevin Svenson tells his 69,000 YouTube subscribers that he sees Bitcoin bottoming out around the $17,000 to $18,000 level before igniting a relief rally to above $30,000.

“The weekly RSI [relative strength index] would end up printing a bullish divergence, a higher low, before breaking out while Bitcoin forms a lower low and then puts in the true bottom. Lower lows on price, higher lows on [RSI] are higher levels of relative strength…

I think Bitcoin could range in the sub-$20,000 for a very brief period to put the market into maximum fear to get the weak hands fully shaken out… I would not be surprise to see a pattern like this come into the market: just a little bit of divergence to really set in that low before the recovery takes place.” 

Извор: Кевин Свенсон/ИоуТубе

The RSI is a momentum indicator and a bullish divergence is one of the signals indicating a possible reversal in trend.

Although Svenson is expecting a rally after Bitcoin generates a true bottom, he says he does not expect BTC to launch a fresh bull market in the near future.

“Ultimately, this recovery is going to take a long time. We have a downtrend. The trend is your friend until the end of the trend, and Bitcoin is currently in a downtrend. So getting above this major downward sloping resistance is the next hurdle for this market, and that could take until the end of the year before we really get a confirmed breakout.” 

Извор: Кевин Свенсон/ИоуТубе

According to Svenson, Bitcoin could trade within a range for months after breaking out of the diagonal resistance. He also predicts that Bitcoin could start a new uptrend by 2024.

У време писања, BTC is changing hands for $18,635, down almost 10% in the last 24 hours.


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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Лемберг Вецтор студио

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/06/19/heres-how-bitcoin-btc-could-generate-a-true-bottom-according-to-analyst-kevin-svenson/