Ево зашто биткоин може пасти још више, каже главни тржишни стратег ФС Инвестментс

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Алекс Довбња

Cryptocurrencies are going to suffer even more if the Federal Reserve significantly shrinks its balance sheet

Одрицање одговорности: Овде изнето мишљење није савет за улагање - оно је само у информативне сврхе. Не одражава нужно мишљење У. Тодаи. Свако улагање и свако трговање укључују ризик, па пре доношења одлука увек треба да обавите сопствено истраживање. Не препоручујемо улагање новца који не можете приуштити да изгубите.

FS Investments Chief Market Strategist Troy Gayeski is Убеђен that cryptocurrencies could face more selling pressure if money supply growth goes negative.

The U.S. Federal Reserve shrinking its balance sheet is going to be a major bearish catalyst for Bitcoin.     

“You should never own more crypto than you could tolerate losing,” Gayeski said.

Bitcoin is currently changing hands slightly above the $20,000 level after shedding recent gains together with U.S. stocks on Tuesday.

Yet, crypto is still one of those asset classes that could potentially quintuple in value over the next four years, according to Gayeski.

Bitcoin is down more than 70% from its record high, CoinGecko data shows.

Source: https://u.today/heres-why-bitcoin-may-drop-even-more-according-to-fs-investments-chief-market-strategist