Награде ХУМАН Протоцол Фоундатион доделила ВеритаТруст-у за изградњу награда на ланцу за рецензије – саопштење за јавност Битцоин вести

САОПШТЕЊЕ. Georgetown, Cayman Islands, May 10, 2022 – Today, HUMAN Protocol has announced that it has awarded a grant to VeritaTrust to power on-chain reviews.

Након објављивања HUMAN Protocol’s $10 Million funds dedicated to grants, овај рад са ВеритаТруст-ом представља њихов први грант додељен од почетка овог програма.

VeritaTrust are seeking to reward reviewers with cryptocurrency for their reviews on products and services; and to use blockchain technology to track the reviews, as well as the corresponding reputation of reviewers. The VeritaTrust project is expected to ramp up the on-chain activity for HUMAN Protocol; and offers new utility to the Protocol’s native token, HMT, which will be used to reward reviewers.

“It is a highly compatible partnership,” said Andreas Schemm, who heads up the grants program for HUMAN Protocol. “We are delighted to be working with the VeritaTrust team; to fund their work as they seek to build using our blockchain technology and reward mechanisms to improve e-commerce solutions.”

Brahim Ben Helal, founder of VeritaTrust and former Head of Strategic Development at Trust Pilot said: “HUMAN Protocol share our vision of rewarding contribution. So far, they have successfully brought hCaptcha on-chain to allow people to earn for their ‘clicks’. Their method of evaluating and paying out micro-work on-chain is a great solution for our needs; by leveraging this technology, we can automatically pay out reviewers automatically on-chain thanks to the power of smart contracts.”

О ХУМАН протоколу

HUMAN Protocol is a broadly applicable solution to the management of distributed workforces. It started by bringing hCaptcha – the bot blocker – on-chain, to reward individual workers for the key ML work they were completing by solving these CAPTCHAs. This, however, has become a more broad solution to the tokenization of any contribution; and, therefore, the ability to orchestrate the management of that work, the evaluation of it, and the reward of micropayments to many individuals.

In this sense, reviews are just another form of work, or value contribution, that can be rewarded via blockchains. HUMAN anticipated the applicability of such a project у свом блог издању о потенцијалу пројеката, like VeritaTrust, made possible by blockchain technology.

О ВеритаТрусту

VeritaTrust helps e-commerce businesses to improve the online shopping experience. With 9 out of 10 people checking reviews before purchasing online, there has never been more value to reviews of products. By providing trusted reviews on the blockchain, they hope to help reduce cart abandonment, and boost conversion rates and loyalty.

VeritaTrust collects customer reviews to help brands reward customers. They employ blockchain, A.I and machine learning, to create a plug&play SaaS solution to build a complete customer review strategy.









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Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/human-protocol-foundation-awards-grant-to-veritatrust-to-fund-rewards-for-on-chain-reviews/