Институционални инвеститори кратка продаја биткоина (БТЦ) достигла највишу стопу у години: ЦоинСхарес

Crypto asset manager CoinShares says that institutional short-selling of Bitcoin (BTC) hits its highest in 2022.

In its latest Digital Asset Fund Flows Weekly report, CoinShares says that inflows to short-Bitcoin investment products peaked this year with a record inflow of $18 million last week.

This brings the total value of short Bitcoin investment products under management to a record high of $158 million.

The flagship crypto asset also saw outflows totaling $11 million, marking the fourth straight week of outflows totaling $70 million.

Crypto investment products in general saw minor inflows totaling $9.2 million, most of which was allocated for short investment products.

Извор: ЦоинСхарес

From $64 billion at the beginning of 2022, the value of assets under management (AUM) plunged to $27.9 billion, the lowest since early July.

Извор: ЦоинСхарес

Data also shows that US investors particularly exhibit negative sentiment with far lower inflows than their counterparts in other regions.

“Regionally, the data shows diverging sentiment despite the low trade sizes. Canada, Brazil, Switzerland and Germany all saw inflows totaling $4.7 million, $3.2 million, $1.7 million and $1.6 million respectively.

The sole focus of negative sentiment was from the US, where inflows totaled $0.8 million, being masked by predominant inflows into short-Bitcoin investment products.”

The bearish sentiment comes following the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting at Jackson Hole, where top financial authorities express hawkish views amid the current downturn and rising inflation rates.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Art tools design/PurpleRender


Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/08/institutional-investors-short-selling-bitcoin-btc-reaches-highest-rate-of-the-year-coinshares/