Искра води у рангирању ДаппРадар игара за почетак 2023. – Спонзорисане Битцоин вести

Веб3 платформа за игре Искра breaks into the Top 10 Games ranking list on ДаппРадар, the world’s leading directory for decentralized apps or dApps, in a promising start for the project in 2023.

Iskra also reached another milestone as the #1 app on the Klaytn blockchain after seeing an impressive increase in their user activity that reached a new high of 19.49K UAW (unique active wallets) per day.

The successful launch of several highly anticipated platform features earlier this year contributed to Iskra’s rise through the ranks and placed it on the map as one of the most promising projects in the Web3 gaming space.

“We are very excited to see the engagement from our community with the launch of our most recent platform features,” Iskra’s Chief Operating Officer Spike Ryu explained. “We hope that this momentum continues as we launch our games and offer early access to them in the second quarter. This is a promising start to 2023.”

Iskra started 2023 by unveiling its multi-year Platform Decentralization Plan that would eventually see the project achieve complete decentralization in 10-year time under the Iskra DAO.

This was followed by the launch of its Говернанце Стакинг, which is a major part of Iskra’s decentralization plan. By staking Iskra’s native token ISK, users can earn sISK, which represents governance rights and empower them to vote on future proposals.

Iskra also launched its primary NFT marketplace called the Iskra Market soon after, which coincided with the initial NFT offering (INO) launch of the first game in its lineup – 3 Kingdoms Multiverse (3KM).

Before January ended, Iskra rolled out Миссион Цардс, which provided a gamified experience for Iskra users to collect and complete Mission Card sets that they can redeem in exchange for game NFTs and tokens – a way to incentivize users to explore the platform, which proved to be highly effective given the project’s user growth.

For Q2 2023, Iskra plans to offer early access to two of their upcoming games – ClashMon: Ignition, a FREE-to-play collectible RPG that offers balanced PvP and PvE custom deck battles and Norma in Metaland: Cooking Adventure, the first FREE-to-play casual Web3 cooking game.

О Искри

Iskra offers a premier destination for players and game developers to explore the thrill and opportunity of Web3 gaming alongside a vibrant community.

As part of its mission, Iskra aims to mold a Web3 future by creating a forward-thinking dedicated home for Web3 gaming and giving every user a stake in the company’s success. It is committed to becoming a leading platform for blockchain gaming.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/iskra-leads-dappradar-games-ranking-to-kick-off-2023/