Лидо ДАО Говернанце Токен Довн, цена уложеног етра стабилна, како је предлог за повлачење у фокусу; Цена биткоина расте како се ближи одлука о стопи Фед-а

“Gentle, quick and responsible, the Rabbit is the fourth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope. Together with yin water, this combination bodes well for a calmer 2023 compared to last year’s tumultuous experience,” the brokerage wrote, while also reminding investors to seek professional advice before making a decision. “This year’s bazi, or destiny chart, advises us to step out of our comfort zone but remain mindful of perils afoot. After all, a rabbit’s foot is lucky for everyone but the fluffy woodland creature.”

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/02/01/first-mover-asia-lido-dao-governance-token-down-staked-ether-stable-as-withdrawal-proposal-comes-into-focus-bitcoin-rises-as-fed-rate-decision-nears/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines