Поглед удесно (ЛТТР) сада прихвата Битцоин плаћања преко БТЦПаи сервера

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Bitcoin has scored another adoption push as LTTR starts accepting Bitcoin payments via BTCPay Server.

Изгледа да Bitcoin is headed for good things as one of the most popular search engine marketers started taking Bitcoin payments via BTCPay, according to a Саопштење. Look To The Right (LTTR) is an NC SEO company based out of Raleigh. The company claims to strive to offer top-tier search engine marketing services to its customers.

LTTR runs a web portal where clients can engage its management and seek its services. With the integration of BTCPay Server payments, the company is working hard to live up to its pledge to advocate for Bitcoin adoption. Its founder, Noah Boswell, says:

“As strong advocates for Bitcoin, we are happy to integrate a great open-source service like BTCPay on the site. We have implemented BTCPay for clients also. We love to advocate the settlement advantages to credit cards to our clients.” 

To support this claim, it’s worth noting that Look To The Right is registered with the ARIN (American Registry For Internet Numbers).

Making Bitcoin Payments Easier

LTTR started accepting Bitcoin payments way back in 2016, and the latest move to integrate the website with the BTCPay Server makes for easier and faster payments on the part of the clients. The provision also comes with lower transaction fees. On this, the founder says,

“Although we have accepted BTC for payments since 2016 we are now happy to have integrated BTCPay Server to the site for easy and seamless checkout for any client to use at any time.” 

The decision to integrate the LTTR site with the BTCPay Server is bound to vastly expand the channels through which the company processes its payments and make it more appealing for crypto lovers to use its services.

What Are The Gains?

Besides lowering transaction fees and facilitating a seamless payment gateway, BTCPay Server brings a few more advantages to LTTR. First off, it affirms the company’s commitment to supporting Bitcoin’s popularity and adoption as a credible means of payment. It also opens up more markets across the world for the company to explore since crypto payments via BTCPay are basically borderless, secure, and fast.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/22/look-to-the-right-lttr-is-now-accepting-bitcoin-payments-via-btcpay-server/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=look-to-the-right-lttr-is-now-accepting-bitcoin-payments-via-btcpay-server