МАТИЦ се попео за 20% и достигао 2-месечни максимум, пошто се АВАКС ближи врхунцу од 6 недеља – Ажурирања тржишта Битцоин вести

Polygon was up by nearly 20% to start the week, as the token rallied to its highest level since May. Today’s surge comes as crypto markets were mostly in the green, with avalanche also hitting multi-week highs, and as of writing, is up by over 10% on the day.

Полигон (МАТИЦ)

Polygon (MATIC) was one of the most notable gainers in crypto markets on Monday, as prices rose by nearly 20%.

Following a low of $0.7464 on Sunday, MATIC/USD raced to an intraday high of $0.9269 to start the week.

This is the highest level the token has traded at since May 9, when prices were falling below the $1.00 mark.

Највећи покретачи: МАТИЦ се попео за 20% и достигао највиши ниво од 2 месеца, док се АВАКС ближи врхунцу од 6 недеља
МАТИЦ/УСД – Дневни графикон

Just over eight weeks later we are now on the cusp of re-entering the $1.00 region, as bullish pressure continues to mount.

As a result of this mid-term upside momentum, the 10-day moving average has continued to extend its crossover with the 25-day MA, which was the catalyst behind this recent rally.

However, it must be noted that the 14-day RSI is tracking above 77, which is its higher reading since October 2021, and this could be one of the biggest obstacles preventing MATIC from recapturing the $1.00 level.

Лавина (АВАКС)

Another big mover on Monday was avalanche (AVAX), which also rose by over 10% in today’s session, hitting multi-week highs in the process.

Earlier today, AVAX/USD rose for a sixth straight day, hitting a peak of $24.08 in the process of this run.

The move saw prices move past a key resistance level of $21.10, which has been held in place since June 9.

Највећи покретачи: МАТИЦ се попео за 20% и достигао највиши ниво од 2 месеца, док се АВАКС ближи врхунцу од 6 недеља
АВАКС/УСД – Дневни графикон

Since breaking this ceiling, bulls look to be targeting another one, with the $28.00 mark appearing to be the next point of interest.

Similar to polygon’s chart, the RSI here indicates that prices are currently overbought, with the index currently tracking at 62.8.

This is its most since April 4, however price strength would need to head towards 70 if AVAX is to continue its upward trend.

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Елиман Дамбелл

Елиман доноси еклектичну тачку гледишта на анализу тржишта, пошто је радио као директор брокера, едукатор за малопродају и коментатор тржишта у Црипто, Стоцкс и ФКС.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

Одрицање од одговорности: Овај чланак служи само у информативне сврхе. То није директна понуда или прикупљање понуда за куповину или продају, или препорука или потврда било ког производа, услуге или компаније. Битцоин.цом не пружа инвестиционе, пореске, правне или рачуноводствене савете. Ни компанија ни аутор нису директно или индиректно одговорни за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у овом чланку.

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/biggest-movers-matic-climbs-20-to-hit-2-month-high-as-avax-nears-6-week-peak/