Меме Могулс (МГЛС) постављени да превазиђу Етхереум (ЕТХ) и Битцоин (БТЦ)

Ethereum (ETH) bulls are dealing with the FOMO amid a power rally powered by the latest developments in spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This smart contract coin extended above $2,000 for the first time since July., even though it’s currently trading slightly below it.

On the other hand, Investors in Bitcoin (BTC) are bullish, and the hype of the approval of a potential Bitcoin ETF is also leading towards an impressive rally, leading the crypto above $37,000. However, Meme Moguls (MGLS) is set to outshine both of these cryptos.

Ethereum (ETH) Forecast: Increase in Q1, 2024?

Ethereum (ETH) is seeing significant attention, especially after Bloomberg’s ETF analyst, Ериц Балцхунас, noted how BlackRock has made the first step towards filing for a spot in Ether ETF.

Investors and traders instantly found Ethereum far more appealing after this announcement and began accumulating the crypto. As a result, its value increased from $1,831.41 to $2,128.61, and the total upswing in the past 30 days was by 32.4%. The market has since corrected, but analysts remain mostly bullish.

A continued uptrend will suggest that traders are willing to bet on its price movement moving north instead of moving back.

Bitcoin (BTC) to Continue its Bull Rally

The anticipation surrounding the greenlighting of a Bitcoin (BTC) spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has led many to begin accumulating the crypto. This led to an impressive rally, which led to the crypto reaching a maximum value of $37,883.29 during the week. Despite the ongoing correction in the past days, most remain positive.

If the SEC makes an actual approval, Bitcoin could reach new heights. During the past month, the total price upswing for BTC was by 38.3%, while in the past year, it was up 112.6%. A break above the $38,000 price barrier could lead to a significant upswing.

Meme Moguls (MGLS) To Outgrow BTC and ETH?

Aside from Ethereum and Bitcoin, another crypto that can experience a significant surge in value is Meme Moguls.

This is an upcoming Play-to-Earn (P2E) platform that will immerse players in the world of fantasy meme market trading. Through it, anyone can get access to the opportunity to trade memes in a stock-market-style trading platform, and they can even buy, sell, or trade them while earning in the process.

As a result, Meme Moguls can revolutionize the meme industry while providing a unique entertainment experience.

There’s even a dedicated Stake and Earn program, where players can contribute their existing MGLS tokens to the staking pool and, by doing so, can get rewards. The amount gained is dependent on their share in the pool and the percentage of the annual return.

The more tokens they stake, the higher the earnings they get. During the Beta presale stage, the crypto trades at $0.0019.

Посетите Меме Могулс Токен Пресале

Одрицање одговорности: горњи чланак је спонзорисан садржај; то је написала трећа страна. ЦриптоПотато не подржава нити преузима одговорност за садржај, оглашавање, производе, квалитет, тачност или друге материјале на овој страници. Ништа у њему не треба тумачити као финансијски савет. Читаоцима се препоручује да независно и пажљиво провере информације пре него што се ангажују са било којом компанијом или пројектом који се помињу и спроведу сопствено истраживање. Улагање у криптовалуте носи ризик од губитка капитала, а читаоцима се такође саветује да се консултују са професионалцем пре него што донесу било какве одлуке које могу или не морају бити засноване на горе спонзорисаном садржају.

Читаоцима се такође саветује да прочитају потпуно одрицање одговорности ЦриптоПотато-а.

ПОСЕБНА ПОНУДА (Спонзорисане)

Бинанце бесплатно $100 (ексклузивно): Користите ову везу да бисте се регистровали и добили $100 бесплатних и 10% попуста на Бинанце Футурес првог месеца (услови).

Source: https://cryptopotato.com/crypto-price-outlook-meme-moguls-mgls-set-to-outshine-ethereum-eth-and-bitcoin-btc/